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2024-11-01 16:07:54 +08:00
namespace spanjeta\modules\backup\helpers;
use yii\base\Object;
use Yii;
use yii\db\Exception;
class MysqlBackup extends Object {
public $tables = [ ];
public $fp;
public $file_name;
public $back_temp_file = 'db_backup_';
public $_path;
public $enableZip = true;
public function execSqlFile($sqlFile) {
$message = "ok";
if (file_exists ( $sqlFile )) {
//$sqlArray = file_get_contents ( $sqlFile );
$sqlArray = fopen($sqlFile, "r");
$str = fread($sqlArray,filesize($sqlFile));
$sql = str_replace ( ";;;", ";", $str );
$cmd = Yii::$app->db->createCommand ( $sql);
try {
$cmd->execute ();
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$message = $e->getMessage ();
return $message;
public function clean($ignore = ['tbl-user','tbl_user_role',]) {
if (! $sql->StartBackup ()) {
// render error
return "error";
$message = '';
foreach ( $tables as $tableName ) {
if (in_array ( $tableName, $ignore ))
fwrite ( $this->fp, '-- -------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL );
fwrite ( $this->fp, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . addslashes ( $tableName ) . ';' . PHP_EOL );
fwrite ( $this->fp, '-- -------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL );
$message .= $tableName . ',';
$sql->EndBackup ();
// logout so there is no problme later .
Yii::$app->user->logout ();
$sql->execSqlFile ( $this->file_name );
unlink ( $this->file_name );
public function getTables($dbName = null) {
$sql = 'SHOW TABLES';
$cmd = Yii::$app->db->createCommand ( $sql );
$tables = $cmd->queryColumn ();
return $tables;
public function startBackup($addcheck = true) {
$this->file_name = $this->path . $this->back_temp_file . date ( 'Y.m.d_H.i.s' ) . '.sql';
$this->fp = fopen ( $this->file_name, 'w+' );
if ($this->fp == null)
return false;
fwrite ( $this->fp, '-- -------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL );
if ($addcheck) {
fwrite ( $this->fp, 'SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;' . PHP_EOL );
fwrite ( $this->fp, 'START TRANSACTION;' . PHP_EOL );
fwrite ( $this->fp, 'SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1;' . PHP_EOL );
fwrite ( $this->fp, '-- -------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL );
$this->writeComment ( 'START BACKUP' );
return true;
public function endBackup($addcheck = true) {
fwrite ( $this->fp, '-- -------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL );
fwrite ( $this->fp, 'SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS;' . PHP_EOL );
if ($addcheck) {
fwrite ( $this->fp, 'COMMIT;' . PHP_EOL );
fwrite ( $this->fp, '-- -------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL );
$this->writeComment ( 'END BACKUP' );
fclose ( $this->fp );
$this->fp = null;
if ($this->enableZip) {
$this->createZipBackup ();
return $this->file_name;
public function getColumns($tableName) {
$sql = 'SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $tableName;
$cmd = Yii::$app->db->createCommand ( $sql );
$table = $cmd->queryOne ();
$create_query = $table ['Create Table'] . ';';
$create_query = preg_replace ( '/^CREATE TABLE/', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS', $create_query );
$create_query = preg_replace ( '/AUTO_INCREMENT\s*=\s*([0-9])+/', '', $create_query );
if ($this->fp) {
$this->writeComment ( 'TABLE `' . addslashes ( $tableName ) . '`' );
$final = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . addslashes ( $tableName ) . '`;' . PHP_EOL . $create_query . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
fwrite ( $this->fp, $final );
} else {
$this->tables [$tableName] ['create'] = $create_query;
return $create_query;
public function getData($tableName) {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $tableName;
$cmd = Yii::$app->db->createCommand ( $sql );
$dataReader = $cmd->query ();
if ($this->fp)
$this->writeComment ( 'TABLE DATA ' . $tableName );
foreach ( $dataReader as $data ) {
$itemNames = array_keys ( $data );
$itemNames = array_map ( "addslashes", $itemNames );
$items = join ( '`,`', $itemNames );
$itemValues = array_values ( $data );
$itemValues = array_map ( "addslashes", $itemValues );
$valueString = join ( "','", $itemValues );
$valueString = "('" . $valueString . "'),";
$values = "\n" . $valueString;
if ($values != "") {
$data_string = "INSERT INTO `$tableName` (`$items`) VALUES" . rtrim ( $values, "," ) . ";;;" . PHP_EOL;
if ($this->fp)
fwrite ( $this->fp, $data_string );
if ($this->fp)
fflush ( $this->fp );
return true;
protected function getPath() {
$this->_path = Yii::$app->basePath . '/db/';
if (! file_exists ( $this->_path )) {
@mkdir ( $this->_path, 0775, true );
return $this->_path;
private function writeComment($string) {
fwrite ( $this->fp, '-- -------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL );
fwrite ( $this->fp, '-- ' . $string . PHP_EOL );
fwrite ( $this->fp, '-- -------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL );
* Charge method to backup and create a zip with this
private function createZipBackup() {
if (class_exists ( \ZipArchive::class )) {
$zip = new \ZipArchive ();
$file_name = $this->file_name . '.zip';
if ($zip->open ( $file_name, \ZipArchive::CREATE ) === TRUE) {
$zip->addFile ( $this->file_name, basename ( $this->file_name ) );
$zip->close ();
@unlink ( $this->file_name );
$this->file_name = $file_name;
} else {
echo "ZipArchive missing class ";
* Method responsible for reading a directory and add them to the zip
* @param ZipArchive $zip
* @param string $alias
* @param string $directory
private function zipDirectory($zip, $alias, $directory) {
if ($handle = opendir ( $directory )) {
while ( ($file = readdir ( $handle )) !== false ) {
if (is_dir ( $directory . $file ) && $file != "." && $file != ".." && ! in_array ( $directory . $file . '/', $this->module->excludeDirectoryBackup ))
$this->zipDirectory ( $zip, $alias . $file . '/', $directory . $file . '/' );
if (is_file ( $directory . $file ) && ! in_array ( $directory . $file, $this->module->excludeFileBackup ))
$zip->addFile ( $directory . $file, $alias . $file );
closedir ( $handle );
* Zip file execution
* @param string $zipFile
* Name of file zip
public function unzip($sqlZipFile) {
if (file_exists ( $sqlZipFile )) {
$zip = new \ZipArchive ();
$result = $zip->open ( $sqlZipFile );
if ($result === true) {
$zip->extractTo ( dirname ( $sqlZipFile ) );
$zip->close ();
$sqlZipFile = str_replace ( ".zip", "", $sqlZipFile );
return $sqlZipFile;