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2024-11-01 16:07:54 +08:00
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Carsten Brandt
* @license
* @link
namespace cebe\markdown\tests;
use cebe\markdown\Parser;
* Base class for all Test cases.
* @author Carsten Brandt <>
abstract class BaseMarkdownTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected $outputFileExtension = '.html';
abstract public function getDataPaths();
* @return Parser
abstract public function createMarkdown();
* @dataProvider dataFiles
public function testParse($path, $file)
list($markdown, $html) = $this->getTestData($path, $file);
// Different OS line endings should not affect test
$html = str_replace(["\r\n", "\n\r", "\r"], "\n", $html);
$m = $this->createMarkdown();
$this->assertEquals($html, $m->parse($markdown));
public function testUtf8()
$this->assertSame("<p>абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя</p>\n", $this->createMarkdown()->parse('абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя'));
$this->assertSame("<p>there is a charater, 配</p>\n", $this->createMarkdown()->parse('there is a charater, 配'));
$this->assertSame("<p>Arabic Latter \"م (M)\"</p>\n", $this->createMarkdown()->parse('Arabic Latter "م (M)"'));
$this->assertSame("<p>電腦</p>\n", $this->createMarkdown()->parse('電腦'));
$this->assertSame('абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя', $this->createMarkdown()->parseParagraph('абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя'));
$this->assertSame('there is a charater, 配', $this->createMarkdown()->parseParagraph('there is a charater, 配'));
$this->assertSame('Arabic Latter "م (M)"', $this->createMarkdown()->parseParagraph('Arabic Latter "م (M)"'));
$this->assertSame('電腦', $this->createMarkdown()->parseParagraph('電腦'));
public function testInvalidUtf8()
$m = $this->createMarkdown();
$this->assertEquals("<p><code><3E></code></p>\n", $m->parse("`\x80`"));
$this->assertEquals('<code><3E></code>', $m->parseParagraph("`\x80`"));
public function pregData()
return [
["a\r\nb", "a\nb"],
["a\n\rb", "a\nb"], // Acorn BBC and RISC OS spooled text output :)
["a\nb", "a\nb"],
["a\rb", "a\nb"],
["a\n\nb", "a\n\nb", "a</p>\n<p>b"],
["a\r\rb", "a\n\nb", "a</p>\n<p>b"],
["a\n\r\n\rb", "a\n\nb", "a</p>\n<p>b"], // Acorn BBC and RISC OS spooled text output :)
["a\r\n\r\nb", "a\n\nb", "a</p>\n<p>b"],
* @dataProvider pregData
public function testPregReplaceR($input, $exptected, $pexpect = null)
$this->assertSame($exptected, $this->createMarkdown()->parseParagraph($input));
$this->assertSame($pexpect === null ? "<p>$exptected</p>\n" : "<p>$pexpect</p>\n", $this->createMarkdown()->parse($input));
public function getTestData($path, $file)
return [
file_get_contents($this->getDataPaths()[$path] . '/' . $file . '.md'),
file_get_contents($this->getDataPaths()[$path] . '/' . $file . $this->outputFileExtension),
public function dataFiles()
$files = [];
foreach ($this->getDataPaths() as $name => $src) {
$handle = opendir($src);
if ($handle === false) {
throw new \Exception('Unable to open directory: ' . $src);
while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') {
if (substr($file, -3, 3) === '.md' && file_exists($src . '/' . substr($file, 0, -3) . $this->outputFileExtension)) {
$files[] = [$name, substr($file, 0, -3)];
return $files;