shop_id = $this->storeId ?: Store::getMainStore($this->wqData['uniacid'])['id']; $this->shop_id = $this->shop_id ?: 0; } //设置 public function actionConfig() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $result = axios_request(); if (!$result['ident'] || !$this->wqData['uniacid']) { return $this->result(2, '数据异常'); } if ($result['ident'] == "sysTopImage") { $this->wqData['uniacid'] = $result['uniacid'] ?: $this->wqData['uniacid']; } if ($result['ident'] == "superPower") { $this->wqData['uniacid'] = 0; } if ($request->isGet) { $res = Config::getSystemSet($result['ident'], $this->wqData['uniacid']); if ($result['ident'] == "delivery") { $res['makeName'] = Power::getPower($this->wqData['uniacid'], 'makeName')['makeName'] ?: '码科'; $res['makeIcon'] = Power::getPower($this->wqData['uniacid'], 'makeName')['makeIcon']; $res['yunbeiName'] = Power::getPower($this->wqData['uniacid'], 'yunbeiName')['yunbeiName'] ?: '云贝'; $res['yunbeiIcon'] = Power::getPower($this->wqData['uniacid'], 'yunbeiName')['yunbeiIcon']; } if ($result['ident'] == "miniConfig" || $result['ident'] == "wechatConfig" || $result['ident'] == "aliSet" || $result['ident'] == "toutiao") { $res['uniacid'] = $this->wqData['uniacid']; } if ($result['ident'] == "superPower") {//超级权限 //获取项目的应用列表 $config = Config::getSystemSet('superPower', 0); $res['channel_arr'] = $config['channel_arr'] ?: []; $res['plug_str'] = $config['plug_str'] ?: []; $res['instore'] = $config['instore'] ?: 2; $res['use_str'] = $config['use_str'] ?: []; $res['channel_list'] = Config::channelConfig(); $res['plug_list'] = Config::plugConfig(); $res['use_list'] = Config::menuConfig(); $res['service_list'] = Config::serviceConfig(); $res['makeName'] = Config::getSystemSet('superPower', 0)['makeName']; $res['service_str'] = getSysInfo()['authData']['service'] ?: []; } if ($result['ident'] == "sysTopImage") {//应用权限 if (!$res) { $res = Config::getSystemSet('superPower', 0); } $plug = getSysInfo(); //var_dump($plug);die; $channeArr = []; $channelConfig = Config::channelConfig(); $plugConfig = Config::plugConfig(); $res['channel_list'] = Config::channelConfig(); $config = Config::getSystemSet('sysTopImage', $this->wqData['uniacid']); $res['plug_list'] = $plugConfig; $res['use_list'] = Config::menuConfig(); $res['service_list'] = Config::serviceConfig(); $res['makeName'] = Config::getSystemSet('sysTopImage', $this->wqData['uniacid'])['makeName']; $res['channel_arr'] = $config['channel_arr'] ?: []; $res['plug_str'] = $config['plug_str'] ?: []; $res['use_str'] = $config['use_str'] ?: []; $res['instore'] = $config['instore'] ?: 2; $res['service_str'] = getSysInfo()['authData']['service'] ?: []; //dd($res);die; } if ($result['ident'] == "system") {//应用权限 $res['portrait'] = Yii::$app->session->get('userInfo')['portrait']; $eleInfo = Config::getSystemSet('eleSet', $this->wqData['uniacid']); if ($eleInfo['open'] == 1) { $res['eleOpen'] = 1; } else { $res['eleOpen'] = 2; } $meituanInfo = Config::getSystemSet('meituanSet', $this->wqData['uniacid']); if ($meituanInfo['open'] == 1) { $res['meituanOpen'] = 1; } else { $res['meituanOpen'] = 2; } //判断平台设置店内是否开启 $instore = Power::getPower($this->wqData['uniacid'], 'instore')['instore']; $takeout = Power::getPower($this->wqData['uniacid'], 'takeout')['takeout']; $res['instorePower'] = $instore ?: 1; $res['takeoutPower'] = $takeout ?: 1; $res['uniacid'] = $this->wqData['uniacid']; $res['storeId'] = $this->shop_id ?: $result['storeId']; } if ($result['ident'] == 'miniConfig') { if (!$res AND Yii::$app->params['isDev'] == true) { $reminder = (new \yii\db\Query()) ->from('ims_account_wxapp') ->where('uniacid=:uniacid', [':uniacid' => $this->wqData['uniacid']])->one(); $res['appId'] = $reminder['key']; $res['appSecret'] = $reminder['secret']; $res['originalAppId'] = $reminder['original']; $res['name'] = $reminder['name']; $res['uniacid'] = $this->wqData['uniacid']; } } if ($result['ident'] == 'instoreSet') { $res['payMode'] = $res['payMode'] ?: ['1', '2']; $res['orderMode'] = $res['orderMode'] ?: ['1', '2']; } if ($result['ident'] == 'payConfig') { $res['isCertfile'] = 2; $res['iskeyfile'] = 2; $res['isServiceCertfile'] = 2; $res['isServiceKeyfile'] = 2; $certfile = Yii::$app->basePath . "/payment/" . 'apiclient_cert_' . $this->wqData['uniacid'] . '.pem'; if (file_get_contents($certfile)) { $res['isCertfile'] = 1; } $keyfile = Yii::$app->basePath . "/payment/" . 'apiclient_key_' . $this->wqData['uniacid'] . '.pem'; if (file_get_contents($keyfile)) { $res['iskeyfile'] = 1; } $serviceCertfile = Yii::$app->basePath . "/payment/" . 'service_apiclient_cert_' . $this->wqData['uniacid'] . '.pem'; if (file_get_contents($serviceCertfile)) { $res['isServiceCertfile'] = 1; } $serviceKeyfile = Yii::$app->basePath . "/payment/" . 'service_apiclient_key_' . $this->wqData['uniacid'] . '.pem'; if (file_get_contents($serviceKeyfile)) { $res['isServiceKeyfile'] = 1; } } if ($result['ident'] == 'currency') { //判断平台设置店内是否开启 $instore = Power::getPower($this->wqData['uniacid'], 'instore')['instore']; $takeout = Power::getPower($this->wqData['uniacid'], 'takeout')['takeout']; $res['instorePower'] = $instore ?: 1; $res['takeoutPower'] = $takeout ?: 1; } if ($result['ident'] == 'aliSet') { if (Yii::$app->params['isDev'] == true) { $res['downloadPage'] = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . "/addons/yb_wm/web/"; } else { $res['downloadPage'] = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . "/web/"; } } if ($result['ident'] == 'toutiaoSet') { if (Yii::$app->params['isDev'] == true) { $res['downloadPage'] = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . "/addons/yb_wm/web/"; } else { $res['downloadPage'] = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . "/web/"; } } //返回公众号地址及二维码 if ($result['ident'] == 'wechatConfig') { $uniacid = $this->wqData['uniacid']; if (Yii::$app->params['isDev'] == true) { $res['url'] = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . '/addons/yb_wm/views/mobile/index.html?uniacid=' . $uniacid; } else { $res['url'] = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . '/views/mobile/index.html?uniacid=' . $uniacid; } if (Yii::$app->request->hostInfo == '') { $res['url'] = '' . $uniacid; } } $loginType = Yii::$app->session->get('userInfo')['loginType']; echo json_encode(['code' => 1, 'msg' => '成功', 'data' => $res, 'loginType' => $loginType]); die; } if ($result['ident'] == 'system') { if (!$result['name']) { return $this->result(2, '平台名称不能为空'); } if (!$result['icon']) { return $this->result(2, '平台LOGO不能为空'); } if (!$result['introduction']) { return $this->result(2, '平台简介不能为空'); } if (!$result['txKey']) { return $this->result(2, '腾讯key不能为空'); } } if ($result['ident'] == 'sms') { if ($result['open'] == 1 AND !$result['access_key_id']) { return $this->result(2, 'access_key_id不能为空'); } if ($result['open'] == 1 AND !$result['access_key_secret']) { return $this->result(2, 'access_key_secret不能为空'); } if ($result['open'] == 1 AND !$result['sign']) { return $this->result(2, 'sign不能为空'); } if ($result['open'] == 1 AND !$result['tel']) { return $this->result(2, 'tel不能为空'); } } if ($result['ident'] == 'payConfig') { if ($result['payOpen'] == 2 AND $result['servicePayOpen'] == 2 AND $result['balancePayOpen'] == 2) { return $this->result(2, '必须开启一种支付'); } if ($result['wxPayType'] == 1) { if ($result['payOpen'] == 1 AND (!$result['mchId'] || !$result['key'])) { return $this->result(2, '微信支付配置不能为空'); } } if ($result['wxPayType'] == 2) { if ($result['servicePayOpen'] == 1 AND (!$result['serviceAppId'] || !$result['serviceMchId'] || !$result['serviceKey'])) { return $this->result(2, '服务商支付配置不能为空'); } } if ($result['apiclient_cert'] AND $result['apiclient_key']) { $certfile = Yii::$app->basePath . "/payment/" . 'apiclient_cert_' . $this->wqData['uniacid'] . '.pem'; $keyfile = Yii::$app->basePath . "/payment/" . 'apiclient_key_' . $this->wqData['uniacid'] . '.pem'; chmod(Yii::$app->basePath . "/payment/", 0777); if (!file_put_contents($certfile, $result['apiclient_cert'])) { return $this->result(2, 'cret文件写入失败'); } if (!file_put_contents($keyfile, $result['apiclient_key'])) { return $this->result(2, 'key文件写入失败'); } } if ($result['service_apiclient_cert'] AND $result['service_apiclient_key']) { $certfile = Yii::$app->basePath . "/payment/" . 'service_apiclient_cert_' . $this->wqData['uniacid'] . '.pem'; $keyfile = Yii::$app->basePath . "/payment/" . 'service_apiclient_key_' . $this->wqData['uniacid'] . '.pem'; chmod(Yii::$app->basePath . "/payment/", 0777); if (!file_put_contents($certfile, $result['service_apiclient_cert'])) { return $this->result(2, '服务商cret文件写入失败'); } if (!file_put_contents($keyfile, $result['service_apiclient_key'])) { return $this->result(2, '服务商key文件写入失败'); } } if ($result['servicePayOpen'] == 1 AND $result['smOpen'] == 1 AND $result['servicePayNo']) { if (!$result['servicePayNo']) { return $this->result(2, '服务商证书序号不能为空'); } if (!$result['serviceV3Key']) { return $this->result(2, '服务商apiV3密钥不能为空'); } $opts['mchid'] = $result['serviceMchId']; $opts['serialno'] = $result['servicePayNo']; $opts['privatekey'] = Yii::$app->basePath . "/payment/" . 'service_apiclient_key_' . $this->wqData['uniacid'] . '.pem'; $opts['key'] = $result['serviceV3Key']; $opts['uniacid'] = $this->wqData['uniacid']; $opts['output'] = Yii::$app->basePath . '/payment/'; $weChatPaySerialNo = (new \yii\db\Query()) ->from('{{%ybwm_core_system}}') ->where(['ident' => 'weChatServicePaySerialNo', 'uniacid' => $this->wqData['uniacid']]) ->one(); if ($weChatPaySerialNo) { //$opts['wechatpay-cert']=Yii::$app->basePath."/payment/" . 'wechatpay_'.$weChatPaySerialNo['data'].'.pem'; //$opts['wechatpay-cert']=Yii::$app->basePath."/payment/" . 'service_apiclient_cert_' . $this->wqData['uniacid'] . '.pem'; } $weRes = WeChatPay::downloadCert($opts); if ($weRes !== true) { return $this->result(2, $weRes); } } } if ($result['ident'] == 'miniConfig') { $conf = [ 'app_id' => $result['appId'], 'secret' => $result['appSecret'], 'response_type' => 'array', 'log' => [ 'level' => 'debug', 'file' => __DIR__ . '/wechat.log', ], ]; $app = Factory::miniProgram($conf); try { $app->access_token->getToken(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->result(2, '配置错误,请检查小程序id和小程序密钥是否填写正确'); } } if ($result['ident'] == 'currency') { //添加取消订单,拒绝单,确认收货 定时任务 $crondData = array( 'crontab_str' => '* * * * *', 'status' => 0, ); if ($result['autoClose'] && $result['closeTime']) { $crondData['name'] = '自动取消订单'; $crondData['route'] = 'tasks/common/order-cancel'; if ($result['autoClose'] == 1) { $crondData['switch'] = 1; } else { $crondData['switch'] = 0; } $crondInfo = (new \yii\db\Query()) ->from('{{%ybwm_crontab}}') ->where(['name' => $crondData['name']]) ->one(); if ($crondInfo) { Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->update('{{%ybwm_crontab}}', $crondData, ['name' => $crondData['name']])->execute(); } else { Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->insert('{{%ybwm_crontab}}', $crondData)->execute(); } } if ($result['autoRefuse'] && $result['refuseTime']) { $crondData['name'] = '自动拒绝单'; $crondData['route'] = 'tasks/common/rejection'; if ($result['autoRefuse'] == 1) { $crondData['switch'] = 1; } else { $crondData['switch'] = 0; } $crondInfo = (new \yii\db\Query()) ->from('{{%ybwm_crontab}}') ->where(['name' => $crondData['name']]) ->one(); if ($crondInfo) { Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->update('{{%ybwm_crontab}}', $crondData, ['name' => $crondData['name']])->execute(); } else { Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->insert('{{%ybwm_crontab}}', $crondData)->execute(); } } if ($result['autoComplete'] && $result['completeTime']) { if ($result['autoComplete'] == 1) { $crondData['switch'] = 1; } else { $crondData['switch'] = 0; } $crondData['name'] = '自动确认收货'; $crondData['route'] = 'tasks/common/receiving'; $crondInfo = (new \yii\db\Query()) ->from('{{%ybwm_crontab}}') ->where(['name' => $crondData['name']]) ->one(); if ($crondInfo) { Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->update('{{%ybwm_crontab}}', $crondData, ['name' => $crondData['name']])->execute(); } else { Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->insert('{{%ybwm_crontab}}', $crondData)->execute(); } } } $re = Config::saveSystemSet($result, $result['ident'], $this->wqData['uniacid'], $result['identName'] ?: ''); if ($re) { if ($result['ident'] == "vipSet" AND $result['wechatCard'] == 1) { WeChat::weChatCard($this->wqData['uniacid']); } return $this->result(1, '成功'); } else { if ($result['ident'] == "storage") { return $this->result(2, '参数配置有误!!!'); } return $this->result(2, '网络异常,请稍后再试'); } } //商家设置 public function actionStoreConfig() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $result = axios_request(); $module = $this->wqData['module']; $result['storeId'] = $result['storeId'] ?: $this->shop_id; if ($request->isGet) { $res = Config::getStoreSet($result['ident'], $result['storeId']); if ($result['ident'] == 'delivery') { $shopInfo = (new \yii\db\Query()) ->select(['address', 'lat', 'lng']) ->from('{{%ybwm_store}}') ->where('id=:storeId', [':storeId' => $result['storeId']])->one(); $res['address'] = $shopInfo['address']; $res['lat'] = $shopInfo['lat']; $res['lng'] = $shopInfo['lng']; } if ($result['ident'] == 'deliveryMode') { if (Yii::$app->params['isDev'] == true) { $sfCallBack = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . '/addons/' . $module . '/index.php/channelApi/delivery-notice/shunfeng-notice'; $ssCallBack = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . '/addons/' . $module . '/index.php/channelApi/delivery-notice/sansong-notice'; $dianCallBack = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . '/addons/' . $module . '/index.php/channelApi/delivery-notice/dianwoda-notice'; } else { $sfCallBack = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . '/index.php/channelApi/delivery-notice/shunfeng-notice'; $ssCallBack = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . '/index.php/channelApi/delivery-notice/sansong-notice'; $dianCallBack = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . '/index.php/channelApi/delivery-notice/dianwoda-notice'; } $res['sscallBack'] = $ssCallBack; $res['sfcallBack'] = $sfCallBack; $res['dianCallBack'] = $dianCallBack; $res['makeName'] = Power::getPower($this->wqData['uniacid'], 'makeName')['makeName'] ?: '码科'; $res['makeIcon'] = Power::getPower($this->wqData['uniacid'], 'makeName')['makeIcon']; $res['yunbeiName'] = Power::getPower($this->wqData['uniacid'], 'yunbeiName')['yunbeiName'] ?: '云贝'; $res['yunbeiIcon'] = Power::getPower($this->wqData['uniacid'], 'yunbeiName')['yunbeiIcon']; } if ($result['ident'] == 'takeOutSet') { if (!$res['address']) { $shopInfo = (new \yii\db\Query()) ->select(['address', 'lat', 'lng']) ->from('{{%ybwm_store}}') ->where('id=:storeId', [':storeId' => $result['storeId']])->one(); $res['address'] = $shopInfo['address']; $res['lat'] = $shopInfo['lat']; $res['lng'] = $shopInfo['lng']; } $res['orderMedia'] = $res['orderMedia'] ?: []; $res['distributionSupport'] = $res['distributionSupport'] ?: ['1', '2']; $res['diningType'] = $res['diningType'] ?: ['1', '2']; $res['orderNotice'] = $res['orderNotice'] ?: '商家暂无公告'; $res['notice'] = $res['notice'] ?: '商家暂无公告'; $res['timeType'] = $res['timeType'] ?: '1'; $res['boxType'] = $res['boxType'] ?: '2'; $res['printType'] = $res['printType'] ?: '1'; } if ($result['ident'] == 'instoreSet') { $result['payMode'] = $result['payMode'] ?: 1; $result['orderMode'] = $result['orderMode'] ?: 1; } return $this->result(1, '成功', $res); } if (!$result['ident']) { return $this->result(2, '配置名不能为空'); } if (!$result['storeId']) { return $this->result(2, '请先添加门店信息'); } if ($result['ident'] == 'takeOutSet') { if ($result['timeType'] == 2 AND !$result['timeArr']) { return $this->result(2, '营业时间不能为空'); } if ($result['timeType'] == 2 AND !$result['distributionSupport']) { return $this->result(2, '配送支持不能为空'); } if ($result['timeType'] == 2 AND !$result['diningType'] AND in_array(2, $result['distributionSupport'])) { return $this->result(2, '就餐方式不能为空'); } } if ($result['ident'] == 'fastSet') { if ($result['autoComplete'] == 1 AND !$result['completeTime']) { return $this->result(2, '时间不能为空'); } if ($result['autoComplete'] == 1 AND $result['completeTime'] < 0) { return $this->result(2, '时间必须大于零'); } if ($result['autoComplete'] && $result['completeTime']) { if ($result['autoComplete'] == 1) { $crondData['switch'] = 1; } else { $crondData['switch'] = 0; } $crondData['crontab_str'] = '* * * * *'; $crondData['name'] = '快餐自动确认收货'; $crondData['route'] = 'tasks/common/fast-receiving'; $crondInfo = (new \yii\db\Query()) ->from('{{%ybwm_crontab}}') ->where(['name' => $crondData['name']]) ->one(); if ($crondInfo) { Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->update('{{%ybwm_crontab}}', $crondData, ['name' => $crondData['name']])->execute(); } else { Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->insert('{{%ybwm_crontab}}', $crondData)->execute(); } } } if ($result['ident'] == 'takeOutSet') { if ($result['timeArr']) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($result['timeArr']); $i++) { if ($result['timeArr'][$i]['startTime'] == $result['timeArr'][$i]['endTime']) { $result['timeType'] = "1"; break; } } } if (!$result['distributionSupport']) { return $this->result(2, '配送支持不能为空'); } } if ($result['ident'] == 'serviceCharge') { if ($result['sonService'] == 1 AND $result['profit_sharing'] == "Y") { $res = WeChat::AddProfitSharing($this->wqData['uniacid'], $result['giveMchid'], $result['giveName'], $result['subMchId']); if (!$res) { return $this->result(2, '添加分账接收方失败'); } } } if ($result['ident'] == 'deliveryMode' and $result['yunbeiOpen'] == 1 and $result['yunbeiUrl']) { $url = Yii::$app->params['domain_url'] . "/cloud/auth/checkDomain"; $data['auth_type'] = 2; $data['domain_url'] = $result['yunbeiUrl']; $res = httpRequest($url, $data); $resArr = json_decode($res, true); if ($resArr['code'] == 1) { $result['yunbeiedition'] = $resArr['isDev']; } else { return $this->result(2, '域名未授权,请确认!'); } } $re = Config::saveStoreSet($result, $result['ident'], $result['storeId'], $result['identName'] ?: ''); if ($re) { return $this->result(1, '操作成功'); } else { return $this->result(2, '网络异常,请稍后再试'); } } //页面路径 public function actionGetPage() { $result = axios_request(); if ($result['page'] == 'miniPage') { $res = array( array( 'name' => '首页', 'page' => 'yb_wm/index/index', 'ident' => 'index' ), array( 'name' => '点单页', 'page' => 'yb_wm/index/goods', 'ident' => 'goods' ), array( 'name' => '订单列表', 'page' => 'yb_wm/index/order-index', 'ident' => 'orderIndex' ), array( 'name' => '个人中心', 'page' => 'yb_wm/index/my-index', 'ident' => 'myIndex' ), ); } if ($result['page'] == 'weChatPage') { $uniacid = $this->wqData['uniacid']; if (Yii::$app->params['isDev'] == true) { $domain = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . '/addons/yb_wm'; } else { $domain = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo; } $res = array( array( 'name' => '首页', 'page' => $domain . '/views/mobile/index.html?uniacid=16' ), array( 'name' => '点单页', 'page' => $domain . '/views/mobile/index.html?uniacid=16#/yb_wm/index/order-index' ) ); } if ($result['page'] == 'toutiaoPage') { $res = array( array( 'name' => '首页', 'page' => 'yb_wm/index/index', 'ident' => 'index' ), array( 'name' => '点单页', 'page' => 'yb_wm/index/goods', 'ident' => 'goods' ), array( 'name' => '订单列表', 'page' => 'yb_wm/index/order-index', 'ident' => 'orderIndex' ), array( 'name' => '个人中心', 'page' => 'yb_wm/index/my-index', 'ident' => 'myIndex' ), ); } return $this->result(1, '成功', $res); } public function actionGetCode() { $result = axios_request(); $pageType = $result['pageType']; $scene = 0; if ($result['ident'] == 'goods' || $result['ident'] == 'dmf' || $result['ident'] == 'fastOrder') { $scene = $result['storeId'] ?: $this->shop_id; } if ($result['ident'] == 'table') { $scene = $result['tableId']; } if ($result['ident'] == 'shop') { // $scene = $this->wqData['uniacid'] .'id&shopId='. ($result['storeId'] ?: $this->shop_id); $scene = $this->wqData['uniacid'] .'&'. ($result['storeId'] ?: (isset($this->wqData['shopId']) ? $this->wqData['shopId'] :$this->shop_id)); } try { if ($pageType == 'toutiao') { $page = ZiJie::createCode($this->wqData['uniacid'], $this->wqData['module'], $result['page'], $result['ident']); } elseif ($pageType == 'ali') { $page = Ali::qrcode($this->wqData['uniacid'], $result['page'], $scene); } else { $page = WeChat::getQrCode($this->wqData['uniacid'], $this->wqData['module'], $result['page'], $result['ident'], $scene); } } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->result(1, '成功', []); } return $this->result(1, '成功', $page); } //一键获取模板消息 public function actionGetMiniTemplates() { $request = Yii::$app->request; if ($request->isGet) { return $this->result(2, '请求异常'); } $res = Config::getSystemSet('miniTemplates', $this->wqData['uniacid']); if (!$res['payOkTid']) { //下单成功 $tid = WeChat::getMiniTemplates($this->wqData['uniacid'], 1461, ['订单类型', '下单时间', '商品名称', '订单编号', '已付金额'], '支付成功提醒'); $res['payOkTid'] = $tid; } if (!$res['refuseTid']) { //商家拒单 $tid = WeChat::getMiniTemplates($this->wqData['uniacid'], 1130, ['拒单原因', '门店名称', '商品名称', '订单编号', '下单时间'], '商家拒单提醒'); $res['refuseTid'] = $tid; } if (!$res['acceptTid']) { //商家接单 $tid = WeChat::getMiniTemplates($this->wqData['uniacid'], 1129, ['订单编号', '门店名称', '订单类型', '商品名称', '备注'], '商家接单提醒'); $res['acceptTid'] = $tid; } if (!$res['refundResultTid']) { //退款结果通知 $tid = WeChat::getMiniTemplates($this->wqData['uniacid'], 1451, ['退款状态', '退款商品', '退款金额', '订单编号', '退款说明'], '退款结果通知'); $res['refundResultTid'] = $tid; } if (!$res['takeTid']) { //取餐通知 $tid = WeChat::getMiniTemplates($this->wqData['uniacid'], 1093, ['提货单号', '自提门店', '门店地址', '订单金额', '备注'], '订单自提通知'); $res['takeTid'] = $tid; } if (!$res['deliveryTid']) { //配送通知 $tid = WeChat::getMiniTemplates($this->wqData['uniacid'], 1128, ['门店名称', '订单编号', '姓名', '地址', '温馨提示'], '订单配送通知'); $res['deliveryTid'] = $tid; } if (!$res['cashierTid']) { //当面付支付通知 $tid = WeChat::getMiniTemplates($this->wqData['uniacid'], 3578, ['订单编号', '支付金额', '支付时间', '订单状态', '商家名称'], '支付成功通知'); $res['cashierTid'] = $tid; } if (!$res['fastTakeTid']) { //快餐取餐通知 $tid = WeChat::getMiniTemplates($this->wqData['uniacid'], 9525, ['取餐号', '取餐方式', '取餐门店', '商品', '温馨提示'], '取餐提醒'); $res['fastTakeTid'] = $tid; } if (!$res['inOrderTid']) { //堂食订单确认通知 $tid = WeChat::getMiniTemplates($this->wqData['uniacid'], 3646, ['订单号', '下单时间', '商品名称', '支付状态', '备注'], '订单确认通知'); $res['inOrderTid'] = $tid; } if (!$res['queuingTid']) { //排队通知 $tid = WeChat::getMiniTemplates($this->wqData['uniacid'], 4692, ['商家名称', '排队号码', '还剩等位', '排队状态', '更新时间'], '排队到号提醒'); $res['queuingTid'] = $tid; } $rst = Config::saveSystemSet($res, 'miniTemplates', $this->wqData['uniacid'], '订阅消息'); if ($rst) { return $this->result(1, '操作成功'); } else { return $this->result(2, '网络异常,请稍后再试'); } } //一键获取模板消息(商家订单提醒) public function actionGetStoreTemplates() { $request = Yii::$app->request; if ($request->isGet) { return $this->result(2, '请求异常'); } $res = Config::getSystemSet('storeTemplates', $this->wqData['uniacid']); if (!$res['appId'] || !$res['appSecret']) { return $this->result(2, '公众号配置信息不能为空'); } $config = [ 'app_id' => $res['appId'], 'secret' => $res['appSecret'], 'response_type' => 'array', ]; $app = Factory::officialAccount($config); if (!$res['payOkTid']) { //下单成功 $tid = $app->template_message->addTemplate("OPENTM201785396"); if ($tid['errcode'] == 0) { $res['payOkTid'] = $tid['template_id']; } else { return $this->result(2, '获取失败,请检查配置信息'); } } if (!$res['refundTid']) { //退款成功 $tid = $app->template_message->addTemplate("OPENTM410195709"); if ($tid['errcode'] == 0) { $res['refundTid'] = $tid['template_id']; } else { return $this->result(2, '获取失败,请检查配置信息'); } } if (!$res['inStoreTid']) { //堂食下订单 $tid = $app->template_message->addTemplate("OPENTM207294721"); if ($tid['errcode'] == 0) { $res['inStoreTid'] = $tid['template_id']; } else { return $this->result(2, '获取失败,请检查配置信息'); } } if (!$res['cashierTid']) { //收银提醒 $tid = $app->template_message->addTemplate("OPENTM410348284"); if ($tid['errcode'] == 0) { $res['cashierTid'] = $tid['template_id']; } else { return $this->result(2, '获取失败,请检查配置信息'); } } if (!$res['reminderTid']) { //催单提醒 $tid = $app->template_message->addTemplate("OPENTM406645351"); if ($tid['errcode'] == 0) { $res['reminderTid'] = $tid['template_id']; } else { return $this->result(2, '获取失败,请检查配置信息'); } } if (!$res['fastTid']) { //快餐新订单提醒 $tid = $app->template_message->addTemplate("OPENTM406199469"); if ($tid['errcode'] == 0) { $res['fastTid'] = $tid['template_id']; } else { return $this->result(2, '获取失败,请检查配置信息'); } } $rst = Config::saveSystemSet($res, 'storeTemplates', $this->wqData['uniacid'], '订单提醒消息'); if ($rst) { return $this->result(1, '成功'); } else { return $this->result(2, '网络异常,请稍后再试'); } } //发送测试 public function actionSendStoreTemplates() { $request = Yii::$app->request; if ($request->isGet) { return $this->result(2, '请求异常'); } $result = axios_request(); $res = Config::getSystemSet('storeTemplates', $this->wqData['uniacid']); if (!$res['appId'] || !$res['appSecret'] || !$res[$result['type']]) { return $this->result(2, '公众号配置信息不能为空'); } $config = [ 'app_id' => $res['appId'], 'secret' => $res['appSecret'], 'response_type' => 'array', ]; $app = Factory::officialAccount($config); $data = []; if ($result['type'] == 'payOkTid') { $data = [ 'first' => ["亲 您有新的商品订单,请及时处理!", "#FF0000"], 'keyword1' => ["123456789", "#173177"], 'keyword2' => ["测试订单", "#173177"], 'keyword3' => ["10元", "#173177"], 'keyword4' => ["2020-10-01 10:10:10", "#173177"], 'keyword5' => ["王先生(15337777777) 北京市朝阳区xxxx 今天10:00", "#173177"], 'remark' => ["取餐号为 #01", "#FF0000"], ]; } if ($result['type'] == 'refundTid') { $data = [ 'first' => ["亲 您有新的售后订单,请及时处理!", "#FF0000"], 'keyword1' => ["123456789", "#173177"], 'keyword2' => ["申请退款", "#173177"], 'keyword3' => ["2020-10-01 10:10:10", "#173177"], 'remark' => ["请前往后台处理!", "#FF0000"], ]; } if ($result['type'] == 'inStoreTid') { $data = [ 'first' => ["收到一个餐座开台提醒", "#FF0000"], 'keyword1' => ["大厅-小桌 A001", "#173177"], 'keyword2' => ["88.00元(未支付)", "#173177"], 'keyword3' => ["2020-10-01 10:10:10", "#173177"], 'keyword4' => ["202121521423366", "#173177"], 'keyword5' => ["堂食(收银台下单)", "#173177"], 'remark' => ["请及时处理您的订单", "#FF0000"], ]; } if ($result['type'] == 'cashierTid') { $data = [ 'first' => ["你有一笔收款信息", "#FF0000"], 'keyword1' => ["云贝科技", "#173177"], 'keyword2' => ["余额支付", "#173177"], 'keyword3' => ["8888元", "#173177"], 'keyword4' => ["无", "#173177"], 'keyword5' => ["2020-10-01 10:10:10", "#173177"], 'remark' => ["请尽快核实订单哦!", "#FF0000"], ]; } if ($result['type'] == 'reminderTid') { $data = [ 'first' => ["您收到了一条催单提醒", "#FF0000"], 'keyword1' => ["201608180001(#1)", "#173177"], 'keyword2' => ["已接单", "#173177"], 'keyword3' => ["20元", "#173177"], 'remark' => ["请您尽快处理该订单哦!", "#FF0000"], ]; } if ($result['type'] == 'fastTid') { $data = [ 'first' => ["有新的快餐订单提醒", "#FF0000"], 'keyword1' => ["2016072112345(A003)", "#173177"], 'keyword2' => ["绝情池水", "#173177"], 'keyword3' => ["250元", "#173177"], 'keyword4' => ["已付款", "#173177"], 'keyword5' => ["2020-10-01 10:10:10", "#173177"], 'remark' => ["请尽快处理此订单哦!", "#FF0000"], ]; } try { $res = $app->template_message->send([ 'touser' => $res['openId'], 'template_id' => $res[$result['type']], 'data' => $data, ]); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->result(2, $exception); } if ($res['errcode'] == 0) { return $this->result(1, '成功'); } else { return $this->result(2, '发送失败,请检查配置信息'); } } public function actionGetBucket() { $request = Yii::$app->request; if ($request->isPost) { $result = axios_request(); $accessKeyId = $result['aliyuncs_accesskey']; $accessKeySecret = $result['aliyuncs_secret']; $endpoint = $result['endpoint']; try { $ossClient = new OssClient($accessKeyId, $accessKeySecret, $endpoint); $bucketListInfo = $ossClient->listBuckets(); $bucketList = $bucketListInfo->getBucketList(); $bucket_arr = []; foreach ($bucketList as $key => $v) { $bucket_arr[] = array( 'value' => $key, 'label' => array_values(object_array($v))[1] ); } return $this->result(1, '操作成功', $bucket_arr); } catch (OssException $e) { return $this->result(2, '参数不正确', $e); } } return $this->result(2, '请求异常'); } // // public function actionDeliverySet(){ // $request = Yii::$app->request; // if ($request->isPost){ // // } // } public function actionGetUrl() { if (Yii::$app->params['isDev'] == true) { //微擎 $data['returnSystem'] = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . "/web/index.php?c=miniapp&a=version&do=home&version_id=" . $this->wqData['version_id'] . "&uniacid=" . $this->wqData['uniacid']; $data['outSystem'] = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo; } else { $data['returnSystem'] = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . "/index.php/admin/index/index"; $data['outSystem'] = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . "/index.php/admin/login/index"; } return $this->result(1, '成功', $data); } public function actionSignOut() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $session->destroy(); return $this->result(1, '成功'); } public function actionCacheSet() { error_reporting("E_ALL"); ini_set("display_errors", 1); $request = Yii::$app->request; if ($request->isGet) { if (!extension_loaded('swoole')) { return $this->result(2, '请安装php swoole扩展'); } if (!extension_loaded('redis')) { return $this->result(2, '请安装php redis扩展'); } error_reporting("E_ALL"); ini_set("display_errors", 1); $info = file_get_contents('./web/cacheSet.log'); if ($info) { $data = array( 'redis' => json_decode($info, true)['redis'], 'redispx' => json_decode($info, true)['redispx'] ?: 6379, 'swoole' => json_decode($info, true)['swoole'], 'ssl_certificate' => json_decode($info, true)['ssl_certificate'], 'ssl_certificate_key' => json_decode($info, true)['ssl_certificate_key'], ); } return $this->result(1, '成功', $data); } if ($request->isPost) { if (!extension_loaded('swoole')) { return $this->result(2, '请安装php swoole扩展'); } if (!extension_loaded('redis')) { return $this->result(2, '请安装php redis扩展'); } $result = axios_request(); if ($result['type'] == 1) { $disabled = explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions')); if (in_array('shell_exec', $disabled)) { return $this->result(2, 'shell_exec函数被禁用'); } Yii::$app->redis->set('swoole_test', '999'); $source = Yii::$app->redis->get('swoole_test'); Yii::$app->redis->del('swoole_test'); if (!$source) { return $this->result(2, 'redis配置参数有误'); } $port = Yii::$app->params['swoolePort']; $shell = "netstat -anp 2>/dev/null | grep " . $port . " | grep LISTEN | wc -l"; $result = shell_exec($shell); if ($result <> 1) { return $this->result(2, '请检查配置'); } else { return $this->result(1, '服务端已启动'); } } $array = array( 'redis' => trim($result['redis']) ?: null, 'redispx' => trim($result['redispx']) ?: 6379, 'swoole' => 9875, 'ssl_certificate' => trim($result['ssl_certificate']), 'ssl_certificate_key' => trim($result['ssl_certificate_key']), ); file_put_contents('./web/cacheSet.log', json_encode($array)); return $this->result(1, '操作成功'); } } //小程序列表 public function actionWxappList() { $result = axios_request(); $page = $result['page'] ?: 1; $num = ($page - 1) * 10; $limit = 10; $module = $this->wqData['module'] ?: 'yb_wm'; $query = (new \yii\db\Query()) ->select('a.uniacid,') ->from('{{%account_wxapp}} as a') ->join('LEFT JOIN', '{{%wxapp_versions}} as b', 'b.uniacid = a.uniacid') ->where(['like', 'b.modules', $module]); if ($result['keywords']) { $query->andWhere(['like', '', $result['keywords']]); } $count = $query->count(); $list = $query->offset($num)->limit($limit)->all(); foreach ($list as $key => $v) { $info = (new \yii\db\Query()) ->from('{{%account}}') ->where('acid=:acid', [':acid' => $v['uniacid']])->one(); if ($info['endtime']) { $endTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $info['endtime']); } else { $endTime = '永久'; } $list[$key]['endTime'] = $endTime; $res = Config::getSystemSet('sysTopImage', $v['uniacid']); if ($res) { $channel_arr = $res['channel_arr']; } else { $channel_arr = Config::getSystemSet('superPower', 0)['channel_arr']; } $list[$key]['shopModel'] = Config::getSystemSet('sysTopImage', $v['uniacid'])['shopModel']; $list[$key]['shopNum'] = Config::getSystemSet('sysTopImage', $v['uniacid'])['shopNum']; if (!$list[$key]['shopModel']) { $list[$key]['shopModel'] = Config::getSystemSet('superPower', 0)['shopModel']; $list[$key]['shopNum'] = Config::getSystemSet('superPower', 0)['shopNum']; } $list[$key]['shopModel'] = $list[$key]['shopModel'] ?: 2; $list[$key]['shopNum'] = $list[$key]['shopNum'] ?: 50; if ($list[$key]['shopModel'] == 1) { $list[$key]['shopModel'] = '单门店'; } else { $list[$key]['shopModel'] = '多门店'; } $list[$key]['channel_arr'] = $channel_arr; } return $this->result(1, '成功', $list, $count); } //获取应用的渠道和插件列表 public function actionGetSuperPower() { $uniacid = $this->wqData['uniacid']; $data = Config::getSystemSet('sysTopImage', $uniacid); if (!$data) { $data = Config::getSystemSet('superPower', 0); } // 获取超级权限和证书的合集------渠道 $new_channel = []; $channel_ids = $data['channel_arr']; $plugConfig = $data['plug_str']; $new_ids = $data['use_str']; $sysInfo = getSysInfo(); $serviceData = $sysInfo['authData']['service']; $service_ids = $serviceData; $plugList = Config::plugConfig(); $plug_ids = []; foreach ($plugList as $v) { if (in_array($v['name'], $plugConfig)) { $plug_ids[] = $v['name']; } } $row = array( 'channel_ids' => $channel_ids ?: ['mini'], 'plug_ids' => $plug_ids ?: [], 'service_ids' => $service_ids ?: [], 'new_ids' => $new_ids ?: [], ); return $this->result(1, '成功', $row); } public function actionGetPower() { $power['content'] = Power::getPower($this->wqData['uniacid'], 'content')['content']; $power['icon'] = Power::getPower($this->wqData['uniacid'], 'icon')['icon']; $power['deliveryMode'] = Power::getPower($this->wqData['uniacid'], 'deliveryMode')['deliveryMode'] ?: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']; return $this->result(1, '成功', $power); } //查询配送余额 public function actionDeliveryBalance() { $result = axios_request(); /* $res=Delivery:: cancelOrder(40); var_dump($res);die;*/ $storeId = $result['storeId'] ?: $this->shop_id; $type = $result['type']; $balance = '0.00'; switch ($type) { case 2: $balance = Delivery::dadaUserAccount($storeId, $this->wqData['uniacid']); break; case 7: $balance = Delivery::sanUserAccount($storeId, $this->wqData['uniacid']); break; case 3: $balance = Delivery::DianwodaUserAccount($storeId, $this->wqData['uniacid']); break; case 8: $balance = Delivery::UuptUserAccount($storeId, $this->wqData['uniacid']); break; } return $this->result(1, '成功', $balance); } public function actionTest() { $card = (new \yii\db\Query()) ->from('{{%ybwm_user_card}}') ->where(['level' => 1, 'condition' => 10, 'uniacid' => 39]) ->orderBy('level desc') ->one(); print_R($card); die; } public function actionAliSaveStore() { $result = axios_request(); $set = Config::getSystemSet('aliSet', $this->wqData['uniacid']); $request = Yii::$app->request; $storeId = $result['storeId'] ?: $this->shop_id; $info = (new \yii\db\Query()) ->from('{{%ybwm_ali_store}}') ->where('storeId=:storeId', [':storeId' => $storeId])->one(); if ($request->isGet) { if (Yii::$app->params['isDev'] == true) { $info['url'] = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . '/addons/yb_wm/index.php/channelApi/pay-notice/ali-application-notice'; } else { $info['url'] = Yii::$app->request->hostInfo . '/index.php/channelApi/pay-notice/ali-application-notice'; } $info['cityData'] = [$info['province_code'], $info['city_code'], $info['district_code']]; $info['categoryData'] = [$info['shop_category_pid'], $info['shop_category']]; return $this->result(1, '成功', $info); } if (!$result['categoryData']) { return $this->result(2, '请选择经营类目'); } if (!$result['cityData']) { return $this->result(2, '请选择门店区域'); } $data['shop_name'] = $result['shop_name']; $data['province_code'] = $result['cityData'][0]; $data['city_code'] = $result['cityData'][1]; $data['district_code'] = $result['cityData'][2]; $data['address'] = $result['address']; $data['shop_category_pid'] = $result['categoryData'][0]; $data['shop_category'] = $result['categoryData'][1]; $data['store_no'] = $result['store_no']; $data['contact_mobile'] = $result['contact_mobile']; $data['ip_role_id'] = $result['ip_role_id'] ?: $set['rebate_pid']; $data['uniacid'] = $this->wqData['uniacid']; $data['storeId'] = $storeId; if ($info) { if ($info['shop_id']) { $res = Ali::modifyStore($this->wqData['uniacid'], $info, $storeId); if ($res['code'] == 1) { $data['order_id'] = $res['data']['ant_merchant_expand_shop_modify_response']['order_id']; Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->update('{{%ybwm_ali_store}}', $data, ['id' => $info['id']])->execute(); } else { return $this->result(2, $res['msg']); } } else { return $this->result(2, '门店审核中无法修改'); } } else { $res = Ali::saveStore($this->wqData['uniacid'], $data, $storeId); if ($res['code'] == 1) { $data['order_id'] = $res['data']['ant_merchant_expand_shop_create_response']['order_id']; Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->insert('{{%ybwm_ali_store}}', $data)->execute(); } else { return $this->result(2, $res['msg']); } } return $this->result(1, '成功'); } //授权 public function actionSendAuth() { $result = axios_request(); $uniacid = $this->wqData['uniacid']; $storeId = $result['storeId'] ?: $this->shop_id; $info = (new \yii\db\Query()) ->from('{{%ybwm_ali_auth}}') ->where('storeId=:storeId', [':storeId' => $storeId])->one(); $res = Ali::authorization($uniacid, $result['account']); if ($res['code'] == 1) { if ($info) { Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->update('{{%ybwm_ali_auth}}', ['account' => $result['account'], 'batch_no' => $res['data'], 'changeAt' => time(), 'state' => 1], ['id' => $info['id']])->execute(); } else { $data['storeId'] = $storeId; $data['uniacid'] = $uniacid; $data['account'] = $result['account']; $data['state'] = 1; $data['createdAt'] = time(); $data['batch_no'] = $res['data']; Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->insert('{{%ybwm_ali_auth}}', $data)->execute(); } return $this->result(1, '成功'); } else { return $this->result(2, $res['msg']); } } //查询授权结果 public function actionAuthInfo() { $result = axios_request(); $uniacid = $this->wqData['uniacid']; $storeId = $result['storeId'] ?: $this->shop_id; $info = (new \yii\db\Query()) ->from('{{%ybwm_ali_auth}}') ->where('storeId=:storeId', [':storeId' => $storeId])->one(); if (!$info['batch_no']) { $info['state'] = 0; return $this->result(1, '成功', $info); } $res = Ali::getAuthorization($uniacid, $info['batch_no']); if ($res['code'] == 1) { $state = 1; if ($res['data']['handle_status'] == 'SUCCESS') { $state = 2; } Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->update('{{%ybwm_ali_auth}}', ['merchant_no' => $res['data']['merchant_no'], 'changeAt' => time(), 'state' => $state], ['id' => $info['id']])->execute(); } $list = (new \yii\db\Query()) ->from('{{%ybwm_ali_auth}}') ->where('storeId=:storeId', [':storeId' => $storeId])->one(); return $this->result(1, '成功', $list); } //获取公众号模板 public function actionGetMessageList() { $app = WeChat::getWechatConfig($this->wqData['uniacid']); $data = $app->template_message->getPrivateTemplates()['template_list']; return $this->result(1, '成功', $data); } //生成自定义链接二维码 public function actionCreateUrl() { $result = axios_request(); $uniacid = $this->wqData['uniacid']; $request = Yii::$app->request; if ($request->isGet) { $data = (new \yii\db\Query()) ->from('{{%ybwm_wxapp_link}}') ->where(['uniacid' => $uniacid]) ->orderBy(['id' => 'asc']) ->all(); return $this->result(1, '成功', $data); } $storeId = $result['storeId'] ?: $this->shop_id; $path = $result['path']; $scene = $result['scene']; $is_expire = $result['is_expire']; $title = $result['title']; $expire_time = $result['expire_time'] ?: 0; $data = WeChat::getWxLink($uniacid, $path, $is_expire, $scene, $title, $expire_time); return $this->result(1, '成功', $data); } }