shop_id=$this->storeId?:Store::getMainStore($this->wqData['uniacid'])['id']; $this->shop_id=$this->shop_id?:0; } //商家订单列表 public function actionOrder(){ $result=axios_request(); $storeId=$result['storeId']?:$this->shop_id; $month=$result['month']; $storeSet = Config::getStoreSet('appointment', $storeId); $weekSet = $storeSet['week'] ?: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]; $timeArr=getMonth(strtotime($month)); for($i=0;$ifrom('{{%ybwm_appointment}}') ->where("state!=1 AND deleteAt=0 AND storeId=:storeId", [':storeId' => $storeId]) ->andWhere('serviceAt>=:startTime AND serviceAt<=:endTime',[':startTime'=>strtotime($timeArr[$i]."00:00:00"),':endTime'=>strtotime($timeArr[$i]."23:59:59")]) ->count()?:0; $weekNum = date("w", strtotime($timeArr[$i])); $weekNum2 = $weekNum == 0 ? 7 : $weekNum; $data[]=array( 'time'=>$timeArr[$i], 'num'=>$num, 'isAppointment'=>in_array($weekNum2, $weekSet) == true ? 1 : 2 ); } return $this->result(1, '操作成功!',$data); // $region =(new \yii\db\Query()) // ->select('storeId,uniacid,state,money') // ->from('{{%ybwm_table_area}}') // ->where('uniacid=:uniacid AND storeId=:storeId AND deleteAt=0 AND display=1', [':uniacid' => $uniacid,':storeId' => $storeId])->orderBy('sort asc,id desc')->all(); // $week = get_week(); // $weekArr[] = '周日'; // $weekArr[] = '周一'; // $weekArr[] = '周二'; // $weekArr[] = '周三'; // $weekArr[] = '周四'; // $weekArr[] = '周五'; // $weekArr[] = '周六'; // for ($i = 0; $i < count($region); $i++) { // for ($w = 0; $w < count($week); $w++) { // $isToday = 2; // if ($week[$w] == date("Y-m-d")) { // $isToday = 1; // } // $num=(new \yii\db\Query()) // ->from('{{%ybwm_appointment}}') // ->where("from_unixtime(serviceAt, '%Y-%m-%d ')='" . $week[$w] . "' AND region=" . $region[$i]['id'] . " AND state!=1 AND deleteAt=0 AND storeId=:storeId", [':storeId' => $storeId])->count()?:0; // //// $where = "where from_unixtime(serviceAt, '%Y-%m-%d ')='" . $week[$w] . "' AND region=" . $region[$i]['id'] . " AND state!=1 AND deleteAt=0 AND storeId=" . $storeId; //// $sql = "SELECT count(id) as count FROM " . tablename('ybcy_appointment') . $where; //// $num = pdo_fetch($sql)['count'] ?: 0; // $weekNum = date("w", strtotime($week[$w])); // $weekNum2 = $weekNum == 0 ? 7 : $weekNum; // $region[$i]['weekArr'][] = array( // 'week' => $weekArr[$weekNum], // 'time' => $week[$w], // 'isToday' => $isToday, // 'num' => $num, // 'isAppointment' => in_array($weekNum2, $weekSet) == true ? 1 : 2, // ); // } // } // return $this->result(1, '操作成功!',$region); } public function actionOrderList(){ $result=axios_request(); $storeId=$result['storeId']?:$this->shop_id; $uniacid=$this->wqData['uniacid']; $page=$result['page']?:1; $num=($page-1)*10; $limit=10; $timeType=$result['timeType']; $keyword=$result['keyword']; $region=$result['region']; $serviceDay=$result['day']; $timeArr=$this->timeArr[$timeType]; $state=$result['state']; $list =(new \yii\db\Query()) ->select(['a.*','from_unixtime(a.createdAt, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s") as createdAt','u.userName as systemUserName',' as uid','u.portrait',' as regionName']) ->from('{{%ybwm_appointment}} as a') ->leftJoin('{{%ybwm_member}} as u','') ->leftJoin('{{%ybwm_table_area}} as r','') ->where('a.uniacid=:uniacid AND a.storeId=:storeId AND a.deleteAt=0 AND a.state>1', [':uniacid' => $uniacid,':storeId' => $storeId]); if($state==1){ $list->andWhere('a.state in (2,3)'); } if($state==2){ $list->andWhere('a.state in (4,6)'); } if($state==3){ $list->andWhere('a.state=5'); } if($timeType){ $list->andWhere('a.serviceAt>=:startTime AND a.serviceAt<=:endTime',[':startTime'=>$timeArr['startTime'],':endTime'=>$timeArr['endTime']]); } if($keyword){ $list->andWhere(['or',['like','a.code',$keyword],['like','a.userName',$keyword],['like','a.userTel',$keyword],['like','a.outTradeNo',$keyword]]); } if ($region) { $list->andWhere('a.region='.$region); } if ($serviceDay) { $list->andWhere('a.serviceAt>=:startTime AND a.serviceAt<=:endTime',[':startTime'=>strtotime($serviceDay."00:00:00"),':endTime'=>strtotime($serviceDay."23:59:59")]); } $res=$list->offset($num) ->limit($limit)->orderBy(' desc')->all(); $count=$list->count(); return $this->result(1, '成功',$res,$count); } //修改预定订单 public function actionOperationAppointment() { $post=axios_request(); if ($post['type'] == 'adopt') { $res = Order::adoptAppointment($post['id']); } if ($post['type'] == 'confirmArrival') { $res = Order::confirmArrival($post['id']); } if ($post['type'] == 'reject') { //拒绝 $res=Order::reserveCancel($post['id'],2); } if ($res) { return $this->result(1, '操作成功!'); } else { return $this->result(2, '操作失败!'); } } }