* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits; use Predis\Connection\Aggregate\ClusterInterface; use Predis\Connection\Aggregate\RedisCluster; use Predis\Connection\Factory; use Predis\Response\Status; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception\CacheException; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; /** * @author Aurimas Niekis * @author Nicolas Grekas * * @internal */ trait RedisTrait { private static $defaultConnectionOptions = [ 'class' => null, 'persistent' => 0, 'persistent_id' => null, 'timeout' => 30, 'read_timeout' => 0, 'retry_interval' => 0, 'lazy' => false, ]; private $redis; /** * @param \Redis|\RedisArray|\RedisCluster|\Predis\Client $redisClient */ private function init($redisClient, $namespace = '', $defaultLifetime = 0) { parent::__construct($namespace, $defaultLifetime); if (preg_match('#[^-+_.A-Za-z0-9]#', $namespace, $match)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('RedisAdapter namespace contains "%s" but only characters in [-+_.A-Za-z0-9] are allowed.', $match[0])); } if (!$redisClient instanceof \Redis && !$redisClient instanceof \RedisArray && !$redisClient instanceof \RedisCluster && !$redisClient instanceof \Predis\Client && !$redisClient instanceof RedisProxy) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"%s()" expects parameter 1 to be Redis, RedisArray, RedisCluster or Predis\Client, "%s" given.', __METHOD__, \is_object($redisClient) ? \get_class($redisClient) : \gettype($redisClient))); } $this->redis = $redisClient; } /** * Creates a Redis connection using a DSN configuration. * * Example DSN: * - redis://localhost * - redis://example.com:1234 * - redis://secret@example.com/13 * - redis:///var/run/redis.sock * - redis://secret@/var/run/redis.sock/13 * * @param string $dsn * @param array $options See self::$defaultConnectionOptions * * @throws InvalidArgumentException when the DSN is invalid * * @return \Redis|\Predis\Client According to the "class" option */ public static function createConnection($dsn, array $options = []) { if (0 !== strpos($dsn, 'redis://')) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid Redis DSN: "%s" does not start with "redis://".', $dsn)); } $params = preg_replace_callback('#^redis://(?:(?:[^:@]*+:)?([^@]*+)@)?#', function ($m) use (&$auth) { if (isset($m[1])) { $auth = $m[1]; } return 'file://'; }, $dsn); if (false === $params = parse_url($params)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid Redis DSN: "%s".', $dsn)); } if (!isset($params['host']) && !isset($params['path'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid Redis DSN: "%s".', $dsn)); } if (isset($params['path']) && preg_match('#/(\d+)$#', $params['path'], $m)) { $params['dbindex'] = $m[1]; $params['path'] = substr($params['path'], 0, -\strlen($m[0])); } if (isset($params['host'])) { $scheme = 'tcp'; } else { $scheme = 'unix'; } $params += [ 'host' => isset($params['host']) ? $params['host'] : $params['path'], 'port' => isset($params['host']) ? 6379 : null, 'dbindex' => 0, ]; if (isset($params['query'])) { parse_str($params['query'], $query); $params += $query; } $params += $options + self::$defaultConnectionOptions; if (null === $params['class'] && !\extension_loaded('redis') && !class_exists(\Predis\Client::class)) { throw new CacheException(sprintf('Cannot find the "redis" extension, and "predis/predis" is not installed: "%s".', $dsn)); } $class = null === $params['class'] ? (\extension_loaded('redis') ? \Redis::class : \Predis\Client::class) : $params['class']; if (is_a($class, \Redis::class, true)) { $connect = $params['persistent'] || $params['persistent_id'] ? 'pconnect' : 'connect'; $redis = new $class(); $initializer = function ($redis) use ($connect, $params, $dsn, $auth) { try { @$redis->{$connect}($params['host'], $params['port'], $params['timeout'], $params['persistent_id'], $params['retry_interval']); set_error_handler(function ($type, $msg) use (&$error) { $error = $msg; }); $isConnected = $redis->isConnected(); restore_error_handler(); if (!$isConnected) { $error = preg_match('/^Redis::p?connect\(\): (.*)/', $error, $error) ? sprintf(' (%s)', $error[1]) : ''; throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Redis connection "%s" failed: ', $dsn).$error.'.'); } if ((null !== $auth && !$redis->auth($auth)) || ($params['dbindex'] && !$redis->select($params['dbindex'])) || ($params['read_timeout'] && !$redis->setOption(\Redis::OPT_READ_TIMEOUT, $params['read_timeout'])) ) { $e = preg_replace('/^ERR /', '', $redis->getLastError()); throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Redis connection "%s" failed: ', $dsn).$e.'.'); } } catch (\RedisException $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Redis connection "%s" failed: ', $dsn).$e->getMessage()); } return true; }; if ($params['lazy']) { $redis = new RedisProxy($redis, $initializer); } else { $initializer($redis); } } elseif (is_a($class, \Predis\Client::class, true)) { $params['scheme'] = $scheme; $params['database'] = $params['dbindex'] ?: null; $params['password'] = $auth; $redis = new $class((new Factory())->create($params)); } elseif (class_exists($class, false)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"%s" is not a subclass of "Redis" or "Predis\Client".', $class)); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Class "%s" does not exist.', $class)); } return $redis; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doFetch(array $ids) { if (!$ids) { return []; } $result = []; if ($this->redis instanceof \Predis\Client && $this->redis->getConnection() instanceof ClusterInterface) { $values = $this->pipeline(function () use ($ids) { foreach ($ids as $id) { yield 'get' => [$id]; } }); } else { $values = $this->redis->mget($ids); if (!\is_array($values) || \count($values) !== \count($ids)) { return []; } $values = array_combine($ids, $values); } foreach ($values as $id => $v) { if ($v) { $result[$id] = parent::unserialize($v); } } return $result; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doHave($id) { return (bool) $this->redis->exists($id); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doClear($namespace) { $cleared = true; $hosts = [$this->redis]; $evalArgs = [[$namespace], 0]; if ($this->redis instanceof \Predis\Client) { $evalArgs = [0, $namespace]; $connection = $this->redis->getConnection(); if ($connection instanceof ClusterInterface && $connection instanceof \Traversable) { $hosts = []; foreach ($connection as $c) { $hosts[] = new \Predis\Client($c); } } } elseif ($this->redis instanceof \RedisArray) { $hosts = []; foreach ($this->redis->_hosts() as $host) { $hosts[] = $this->redis->_instance($host); } } elseif ($this->redis instanceof \RedisCluster) { $hosts = []; foreach ($this->redis->_masters() as $host) { $hosts[] = $h = new \Redis(); $h->connect($host[0], $host[1]); } } foreach ($hosts as $host) { if (!isset($namespace[0])) { $cleared = $host->flushDb() && $cleared; continue; } $info = $host->info('Server'); $info = isset($info['Server']) ? $info['Server'] : $info; if (!version_compare($info['redis_version'], '2.8', '>=')) { // As documented in Redis documentation (http://redis.io/commands/keys) using KEYS // can hang your server when it is executed against large databases (millions of items). // Whenever you hit this scale, you should really consider upgrading to Redis 2.8 or above. $cleared = $host->eval("local keys=redis.call('KEYS',ARGV[1]..'*') for i=1,#keys,5000 do redis.call('DEL',unpack(keys,i,math.min(i+4999,#keys))) end return 1", $evalArgs[0], $evalArgs[1]) && $cleared; continue; } $cursor = null; do { $keys = $host instanceof \Predis\Client ? $host->scan($cursor, 'MATCH', $namespace.'*', 'COUNT', 1000) : $host->scan($cursor, $namespace.'*', 1000); if (isset($keys[1]) && \is_array($keys[1])) { $cursor = $keys[0]; $keys = $keys[1]; } if ($keys) { $this->doDelete($keys); } } while ($cursor = (int) $cursor); } return $cleared; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doDelete(array $ids) { if (!$ids) { return true; } if ($this->redis instanceof \Predis\Client && $this->redis->getConnection() instanceof ClusterInterface) { $this->pipeline(function () use ($ids) { foreach ($ids as $id) { yield 'del' => [$id]; } })->rewind(); } else { $this->redis->del($ids); } return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doSave(array $values, $lifetime) { $serialized = []; $failed = []; foreach ($values as $id => $value) { try { $serialized[$id] = serialize($value); } catch (\Exception $e) { $failed[] = $id; } } if (!$serialized) { return $failed; } $results = $this->pipeline(function () use ($serialized, $lifetime) { foreach ($serialized as $id => $value) { if (0 >= $lifetime) { yield 'set' => [$id, $value]; } else { yield 'setEx' => [$id, $lifetime, $value]; } } }); foreach ($results as $id => $result) { if (true !== $result && (!$result instanceof Status || $result !== Status::get('OK'))) { $failed[] = $id; } } return $failed; } private function pipeline(\Closure $generator) { $ids = []; if ($this->redis instanceof \RedisCluster || ($this->redis instanceof \Predis\Client && $this->redis->getConnection() instanceof RedisCluster)) { // phpredis & predis don't support pipelining with RedisCluster // see https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis/blob/develop/cluster.markdown#pipelining // see https://github.com/nrk/predis/issues/267#issuecomment-123781423 $results = []; foreach ($generator() as $command => $args) { $results[] = \call_user_func_array([$this->redis, $command], $args); $ids[] = $args[0]; } } elseif ($this->redis instanceof \Predis\Client) { $results = $this->redis->pipeline(function ($redis) use ($generator, &$ids) { foreach ($generator() as $command => $args) { \call_user_func_array([$redis, $command], $args); $ids[] = $args[0]; } }); } elseif ($this->redis instanceof \RedisArray) { $connections = $results = $ids = []; foreach ($generator() as $command => $args) { if (!isset($connections[$h = $this->redis->_target($args[0])])) { $connections[$h] = [$this->redis->_instance($h), -1]; $connections[$h][0]->multi(\Redis::PIPELINE); } \call_user_func_array([$connections[$h][0], $command], $args); $results[] = [$h, ++$connections[$h][1]]; $ids[] = $args[0]; } foreach ($connections as $h => $c) { $connections[$h] = $c[0]->exec(); } foreach ($results as $k => list($h, $c)) { $results[$k] = $connections[$h][$c]; } } else { $this->redis->multi(\Redis::PIPELINE); foreach ($generator() as $command => $args) { \call_user_func_array([$this->redis, $command], $args); $ids[] = $args[0]; } $results = $this->redis->exec(); } foreach ($ids as $k => $id) { yield $id => $results[$k]; } } }