* @since 2.0 */ class Schema extends \yii\db\Schema implements ConstraintFinderInterface { use ViewFinderTrait; use ConstraintFinderTrait; const TYPE_JSONB = 'jsonb'; /** * @var string the default schema used for the current session. */ public $defaultSchema = 'public'; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public $columnSchemaClass = 'yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema'; /** * @var array mapping from physical column types (keys) to abstract * column types (values) * @see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/datatype.html#DATATYPE-TABLE */ public $typeMap = [ 'bit' => self::TYPE_INTEGER, 'bit varying' => self::TYPE_INTEGER, 'varbit' => self::TYPE_INTEGER, 'bool' => self::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'boolean' => self::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'box' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'circle' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'point' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'line' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'lseg' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'polygon' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'path' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'character' => self::TYPE_CHAR, 'char' => self::TYPE_CHAR, 'bpchar' => self::TYPE_CHAR, 'character varying' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'varchar' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'text' => self::TYPE_TEXT, 'bytea' => self::TYPE_BINARY, 'cidr' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'inet' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'macaddr' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'real' => self::TYPE_FLOAT, 'float4' => self::TYPE_FLOAT, 'double precision' => self::TYPE_DOUBLE, 'float8' => self::TYPE_DOUBLE, 'decimal' => self::TYPE_DECIMAL, 'numeric' => self::TYPE_DECIMAL, 'money' => self::TYPE_MONEY, 'smallint' => self::TYPE_SMALLINT, 'int2' => self::TYPE_SMALLINT, 'int4' => self::TYPE_INTEGER, 'int' => self::TYPE_INTEGER, 'integer' => self::TYPE_INTEGER, 'bigint' => self::TYPE_BIGINT, 'int8' => self::TYPE_BIGINT, 'oid' => self::TYPE_BIGINT, // should not be used. it's pg internal! 'smallserial' => self::TYPE_SMALLINT, 'serial2' => self::TYPE_SMALLINT, 'serial4' => self::TYPE_INTEGER, 'serial' => self::TYPE_INTEGER, 'bigserial' => self::TYPE_BIGINT, 'serial8' => self::TYPE_BIGINT, 'pg_lsn' => self::TYPE_BIGINT, 'date' => self::TYPE_DATE, 'interval' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'time without time zone' => self::TYPE_TIME, 'time' => self::TYPE_TIME, 'time with time zone' => self::TYPE_TIME, 'timetz' => self::TYPE_TIME, 'timestamp without time zone' => self::TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 'timestamp' => self::TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 'timestamp with time zone' => self::TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 'timestamptz' => self::TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 'abstime' => self::TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 'tsquery' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'tsvector' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'txid_snapshot' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'unknown' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'uuid' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'json' => self::TYPE_JSON, 'jsonb' => self::TYPE_JSON, 'xml' => self::TYPE_STRING, ]; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected $tableQuoteCharacter = '"'; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function resolveTableName($name) { $resolvedName = new TableSchema(); $parts = explode('.', str_replace('"', '', $name)); if (isset($parts[1])) { $resolvedName->schemaName = $parts[0]; $resolvedName->name = $parts[1]; } else { $resolvedName->schemaName = $this->defaultSchema; $resolvedName->name = $name; } $resolvedName->fullName = ($resolvedName->schemaName !== $this->defaultSchema ? $resolvedName->schemaName . '.' : '') . $resolvedName->name; return $resolvedName; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function findSchemaNames() { static $sql = <<<'SQL' SELECT "ns"."nspname" FROM "pg_namespace" AS "ns" WHERE "ns"."nspname" != 'information_schema' AND "ns"."nspname" NOT LIKE 'pg_%' ORDER BY "ns"."nspname" ASC SQL; return $this->db->createCommand($sql)->queryColumn(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function findTableNames($schema = '') { if ($schema === '') { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $sql = <<<'SQL' SELECT c.relname AS table_name FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace ns ON ns.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE ns.nspname = :schemaName AND c.relkind IN ('r','v','m','f', 'p') ORDER BY c.relname SQL; return $this->db->createCommand($sql, [':schemaName' => $schema])->queryColumn(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function loadTableSchema($name) { $table = new TableSchema(); $this->resolveTableNames($table, $name); if ($this->findColumns($table)) { $this->findConstraints($table); return $table; } return null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function loadTablePrimaryKey($tableName) { return $this->loadTableConstraints($tableName, 'primaryKey'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function loadTableForeignKeys($tableName) { return $this->loadTableConstraints($tableName, 'foreignKeys'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function loadTableIndexes($tableName) { static $sql = <<<'SQL' SELECT "ic"."relname" AS "name", "ia"."attname" AS "column_name", "i"."indisunique" AS "index_is_unique", "i"."indisprimary" AS "index_is_primary" FROM "pg_class" AS "tc" INNER JOIN "pg_namespace" AS "tcns" ON "tcns"."oid" = "tc"."relnamespace" INNER JOIN "pg_index" AS "i" ON "i"."indrelid" = "tc"."oid" INNER JOIN "pg_class" AS "ic" ON "ic"."oid" = "i"."indexrelid" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" AS "ia" ON "ia"."attrelid" = "i"."indrelid" AND "ia"."attnum" = ANY ("i"."indkey") WHERE "tcns"."nspname" = :schemaName AND "tc"."relname" = :tableName ORDER BY "ia"."attnum" ASC SQL; $resolvedName = $this->resolveTableName($tableName); $indexes = $this->db->createCommand($sql, [ ':schemaName' => $resolvedName->schemaName, ':tableName' => $resolvedName->name, ])->queryAll(); $indexes = $this->normalizePdoRowKeyCase($indexes, true); $indexes = ArrayHelper::index($indexes, null, 'name'); $result = []; foreach ($indexes as $name => $index) { $result[] = new IndexConstraint([ 'isPrimary' => (bool) $index[0]['index_is_primary'], 'isUnique' => (bool) $index[0]['index_is_unique'], 'name' => $name, 'columnNames' => ArrayHelper::getColumn($index, 'column_name'), ]); } return $result; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function loadTableUniques($tableName) { return $this->loadTableConstraints($tableName, 'uniques'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function loadTableChecks($tableName) { return $this->loadTableConstraints($tableName, 'checks'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @throws NotSupportedException if this method is called. */ protected function loadTableDefaultValues($tableName) { throw new NotSupportedException('PostgreSQL does not support default value constraints.'); } /** * Creates a query builder for the PostgreSQL database. * @return QueryBuilder query builder instance */ public function createQueryBuilder() { return new QueryBuilder($this->db); } /** * Resolves the table name and schema name (if any). * @param TableSchema $table the table metadata object * @param string $name the table name */ protected function resolveTableNames($table, $name) { $parts = explode('.', str_replace('"', '', $name)); if (isset($parts[1])) { $table->schemaName = $parts[0]; $table->name = $parts[1]; } else { $table->schemaName = $this->defaultSchema; $table->name = $parts[0]; } $table->fullName = $table->schemaName !== $this->defaultSchema ? $table->schemaName . '.' . $table->name : $table->name; } /** * {@inheritdoc] */ protected function findViewNames($schema = '') { if ($schema === '') { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $sql = <<<'SQL' SELECT c.relname AS table_name FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace ns ON ns.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE ns.nspname = :schemaName AND (c.relkind = 'v' OR c.relkind = 'm') ORDER BY c.relname SQL; return $this->db->createCommand($sql, [':schemaName' => $schema])->queryColumn(); } /** * Collects the foreign key column details for the given table. * @param TableSchema $table the table metadata */ protected function findConstraints($table) { $tableName = $this->quoteValue($table->name); $tableSchema = $this->quoteValue($table->schemaName); //We need to extract the constraints de hard way since: //http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/26677.1086673982@sss.pgh.pa.us $sql = <<db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll() as $constraint) { if ($this->db->slavePdo->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_CASE) === \PDO::CASE_UPPER) { $constraint = array_change_key_case($constraint, CASE_LOWER); } if ($constraint['foreign_table_schema'] !== $this->defaultSchema) { $foreignTable = $constraint['foreign_table_schema'] . '.' . $constraint['foreign_table_name']; } else { $foreignTable = $constraint['foreign_table_name']; } $name = $constraint['constraint_name']; if (!isset($constraints[$name])) { $constraints[$name] = [ 'tableName' => $foreignTable, 'columns' => [], ]; } $constraints[$name]['columns'][$constraint['column_name']] = $constraint['foreign_column_name']; } foreach ($constraints as $name => $constraint) { $table->foreignKeys[$name] = array_merge([$constraint['tableName']], $constraint['columns']); } } /** * Gets information about given table unique indexes. * @param TableSchema $table the table metadata * @return array with index and column names */ protected function getUniqueIndexInformation($table) { $sql = <<<'SQL' SELECT i.relname as indexname, pg_get_indexdef(idx.indexrelid, k + 1, TRUE) AS columnname FROM ( SELECT *, generate_subscripts(indkey, 1) AS k FROM pg_index ) idx INNER JOIN pg_class i ON i.oid = idx.indexrelid INNER JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = idx.indrelid INNER JOIN pg_namespace ns ON c.relnamespace = ns.oid WHERE idx.indisprimary = FALSE AND idx.indisunique = TRUE AND c.relname = :tableName AND ns.nspname = :schemaName ORDER BY i.relname, k SQL; return $this->db->createCommand($sql, [ ':schemaName' => $table->schemaName, ':tableName' => $table->name, ])->queryAll(); } /** * Returns all unique indexes for the given table. * * Each array element is of the following structure: * * ```php * [ * 'IndexName1' => ['col1' [, ...]], * 'IndexName2' => ['col2' [, ...]], * ] * ``` * * @param TableSchema $table the table metadata * @return array all unique indexes for the given table. */ public function findUniqueIndexes($table) { $uniqueIndexes = []; foreach ($this->getUniqueIndexInformation($table) as $row) { if ($this->db->slavePdo->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_CASE) === \PDO::CASE_UPPER) { $row = array_change_key_case($row, CASE_LOWER); } $column = $row['columnname']; if (!empty($column) && $column[0] === '"') { // postgres will quote names that are not lowercase-only // https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/10613 $column = substr($column, 1, -1); } $uniqueIndexes[$row['indexname']][] = $column; } return $uniqueIndexes; } /** * Collects the metadata of table columns. * @param TableSchema $table the table metadata * @return bool whether the table exists in the database */ protected function findColumns($table) { $tableName = $this->db->quoteValue($table->name); $schemaName = $this->db->quoteValue($table->schemaName); $orIdentity = ''; if (version_compare($this->db->serverVersion, '12.0', '>=')) { $orIdentity = 'OR attidentity != \'\''; } $sql = <<> 16) & 65535 END WHEN 700 /*float4*/ THEN 24 /*FLT_MANT_DIG*/ WHEN 701 /*float8*/ THEN 53 /*DBL_MANT_DIG*/ ELSE null END AS numeric_precision, CASE WHEN atttypid IN (21, 23, 20) THEN 0 WHEN atttypid IN (1700) THEN CASE WHEN atttypmod = -1 THEN null ELSE (atttypmod - 4) & 65535 END ELSE null END AS numeric_scale, CAST( information_schema._pg_char_max_length(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a, t), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a, t)) AS numeric ) AS size, a.attnum = any (ct.conkey) as is_pkey, COALESCE(NULLIF(a.attndims, 0), NULLIF(t.typndims, 0), (t.typcategory='A')::int) AS dimension FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef ad ON a.attrelid = ad.adrelid AND a.attnum = ad.adnum LEFT JOIN pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid LEFT JOIN pg_type tb ON (a.attndims > 0 OR t.typcategory='A') AND t.typelem > 0 AND t.typelem = tb.oid OR t.typbasetype > 0 AND t.typbasetype = tb.oid LEFT JOIN pg_type td ON t.typndims > 0 AND t.typbasetype > 0 AND tb.typelem = td.oid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace d ON d.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_constraint ct ON ct.conrelid = c.oid AND ct.contype = 'p' WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND t.typname != '' AND NOT a.attisdropped AND c.relname = {$tableName} AND d.nspname = {$schemaName} ORDER BY a.attnum; SQL; $columns = $this->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); if (empty($columns)) { return false; } foreach ($columns as $column) { if ($this->db->slavePdo->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_CASE) === \PDO::CASE_UPPER) { $column = array_change_key_case($column, CASE_LOWER); } $column = $this->loadColumnSchema($column); $table->columns[$column->name] = $column; if ($column->isPrimaryKey) { $table->primaryKey[] = $column->name; if ($table->sequenceName === null) { $table->sequenceName = $column->sequenceName; } $column->defaultValue = null; } elseif ($column->defaultValue) { if ($column->type === 'timestamp' && $column->defaultValue === 'now()') { $column->defaultValue = new Expression($column->defaultValue); } elseif ($column->type === 'boolean') { $column->defaultValue = ($column->defaultValue === 'true'); } elseif (preg_match("/^B'(.*?)'::/", $column->defaultValue, $matches)) { $column->defaultValue = bindec($matches[1]); } elseif (strncasecmp($column->dbType, 'bit', 3) === 0 || strncasecmp($column->dbType, 'varbit', 6) === 0) { $column->defaultValue = bindec(trim($column->defaultValue, 'B\'')); } elseif (preg_match("/^'(.*?)'::/", $column->defaultValue, $matches)) { $column->defaultValue = $column->phpTypecast($matches[1]); } elseif (preg_match('/^(\()?(.*?)(?(1)\))(?:::.+)?$/', $column->defaultValue, $matches)) { if ($matches[2] === 'NULL') { $column->defaultValue = null; } else { $column->defaultValue = $column->phpTypecast($matches[2]); } } else { $column->defaultValue = $column->phpTypecast($column->defaultValue); } } } return true; } /** * Loads the column information into a [[ColumnSchema]] object. * @param array $info column information * @return ColumnSchema the column schema object */ protected function loadColumnSchema($info) { /** @var ColumnSchema $column */ $column = $this->createColumnSchema(); $column->allowNull = $info['is_nullable']; $column->autoIncrement = $info['is_autoinc']; $column->comment = $info['column_comment']; $column->dbType = $info['data_type']; $column->defaultValue = $info['column_default']; $column->enumValues = ($info['enum_values'] !== null) ? explode(',', str_replace(["''"], ["'"], $info['enum_values'])) : null; $column->unsigned = false; // has no meaning in PG $column->isPrimaryKey = $info['is_pkey']; $column->name = $info['column_name']; $column->precision = $info['numeric_precision']; $column->scale = $info['numeric_scale']; $column->size = $info['size'] === null ? null : (int) $info['size']; $column->dimension = (int)$info['dimension']; // pg_get_serial_sequence() doesn't track DEFAULT value change. GENERATED BY IDENTITY columns always have null default value if (isset($column->defaultValue) && preg_match("/nextval\\('\"?\\w+\"?\.?\"?\\w+\"?'(::regclass)?\\)/", $column->defaultValue) === 1) { $column->sequenceName = preg_replace(['/nextval/', '/::/', '/regclass/', '/\'\)/', '/\(\'/'], '', $column->defaultValue); } elseif (isset($info['sequence_name'])) { $column->sequenceName = $this->resolveTableName($info['sequence_name'])->fullName; } if (isset($this->typeMap[$column->dbType])) { $column->type = $this->typeMap[$column->dbType]; } else { $column->type = self::TYPE_STRING; } $column->phpType = $this->getColumnPhpType($column); return $column; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function insert($table, $columns) { $params = []; $sql = $this->db->getQueryBuilder()->insert($table, $columns, $params); $returnColumns = $this->getTableSchema($table)->primaryKey; if (!empty($returnColumns)) { $returning = []; foreach ((array) $returnColumns as $name) { $returning[] = $this->quoteColumnName($name); } $sql .= ' RETURNING ' . implode(', ', $returning); } $command = $this->db->createCommand($sql, $params); $command->prepare(false); $result = $command->queryOne(); return !$command->pdoStatement->rowCount() ? false : $result; } /** * Loads multiple types of constraints and returns the specified ones. * @param string $tableName table name. * @param string $returnType return type: * - primaryKey * - foreignKeys * - uniques * - checks * @return mixed constraints. */ private function loadTableConstraints($tableName, $returnType) { static $sql = <<<'SQL' SELECT "c"."conname" AS "name", "a"."attname" AS "column_name", "c"."contype" AS "type", "ftcns"."nspname" AS "foreign_table_schema", "ftc"."relname" AS "foreign_table_name", "fa"."attname" AS "foreign_column_name", "c"."confupdtype" AS "on_update", "c"."confdeltype" AS "on_delete", pg_get_constraintdef("c"."oid") AS "check_expr" FROM "pg_class" AS "tc" INNER JOIN "pg_namespace" AS "tcns" ON "tcns"."oid" = "tc"."relnamespace" INNER JOIN "pg_constraint" AS "c" ON "c"."conrelid" = "tc"."oid" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" AS "a" ON "a"."attrelid" = "c"."conrelid" AND "a"."attnum" = ANY ("c"."conkey") LEFT JOIN "pg_class" AS "ftc" ON "ftc"."oid" = "c"."confrelid" LEFT JOIN "pg_namespace" AS "ftcns" ON "ftcns"."oid" = "ftc"."relnamespace" LEFT JOIN "pg_attribute" "fa" ON "fa"."attrelid" = "c"."confrelid" AND "fa"."attnum" = ANY ("c"."confkey") WHERE "tcns"."nspname" = :schemaName AND "tc"."relname" = :tableName ORDER BY "a"."attnum" ASC, "fa"."attnum" ASC SQL; static $actionTypes = [ 'a' => 'NO ACTION', 'r' => 'RESTRICT', 'c' => 'CASCADE', 'n' => 'SET NULL', 'd' => 'SET DEFAULT', ]; $resolvedName = $this->resolveTableName($tableName); $constraints = $this->db->createCommand($sql, [ ':schemaName' => $resolvedName->schemaName, ':tableName' => $resolvedName->name, ])->queryAll(); $constraints = $this->normalizePdoRowKeyCase($constraints, true); $constraints = ArrayHelper::index($constraints, null, ['type', 'name']); $result = [ 'primaryKey' => null, 'foreignKeys' => [], 'uniques' => [], 'checks' => [], ]; foreach ($constraints as $type => $names) { foreach ($names as $name => $constraint) { switch ($type) { case 'p': $result['primaryKey'] = new Constraint([ 'name' => $name, 'columnNames' => ArrayHelper::getColumn($constraint, 'column_name'), ]); break; case 'f': $result['foreignKeys'][] = new ForeignKeyConstraint([ 'name' => $name, 'columnNames' => array_keys(array_count_values(ArrayHelper::getColumn($constraint, 'column_name'))), 'foreignSchemaName' => $constraint[0]['foreign_table_schema'], 'foreignTableName' => $constraint[0]['foreign_table_name'], 'foreignColumnNames' => array_keys(array_count_values(ArrayHelper::getColumn($constraint, 'foreign_column_name'))), 'onDelete' => isset($actionTypes[$constraint[0]['on_delete']]) ? $actionTypes[$constraint[0]['on_delete']] : null, 'onUpdate' => isset($actionTypes[$constraint[0]['on_update']]) ? $actionTypes[$constraint[0]['on_update']] : null, ]); break; case 'u': $result['uniques'][] = new Constraint([ 'name' => $name, 'columnNames' => ArrayHelper::getColumn($constraint, 'column_name'), ]); break; case 'c': $result['checks'][] = new CheckConstraint([ 'name' => $name, 'columnNames' => ArrayHelper::getColumn($constraint, 'column_name'), 'expression' => $constraint[0]['check_expr'], ]); break; } } } foreach ($result as $type => $data) { $this->setTableMetadata($tableName, $type, $data); } return $result[$returnType]; } }