602 lines
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602 lines
16 KiB
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MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
"use strict";
const { AsyncSeriesBailHook, AsyncSeriesHook, SyncHook } = require("tapable");
const createInnerContext = require("./createInnerContext");
const { parseIdentifier } = require("./util/identifier");
const {
cachedJoin: join,
} = require("./util/path");
/** @typedef {import("./ResolverFactory").ResolveOptions} ResolveOptions */
/** @typedef {Error & {details?: string}} ErrorWithDetail */
/** @typedef {(err: ErrorWithDetail|null, res?: string|false, req?: ResolveRequest) => void} ResolveCallback */
* @typedef {Object} FileSystemStats
* @property {function(): boolean} isDirectory
* @property {function(): boolean} isFile
* @typedef {Object} FileSystemDirent
* @property {Buffer | string} name
* @property {function(): boolean} isDirectory
* @property {function(): boolean} isFile
* @typedef {Object} PossibleFileSystemError
* @property {string=} code
* @property {number=} errno
* @property {string=} path
* @property {string=} syscall
* @template T
* @callback FileSystemCallback
* @param {PossibleFileSystemError & Error | null | undefined} err
* @param {T=} result
/** @typedef {function((NodeJS.ErrnoException | null)=, (string | Buffer)[] | import("fs").Dirent[]=): void} DirentArrayCallback */
* @typedef {Object} ReaddirOptions
* @property {BufferEncoding | null | 'buffer'} [encoding]
* @property {boolean | undefined} [withFileTypes=false]
* @typedef {Object} FileSystem
* @property {(function(string, FileSystemCallback<Buffer | string>): void) & function(string, object, FileSystemCallback<Buffer | string>): void} readFile
* @property {function(string, (ReaddirOptions | BufferEncoding | null | undefined | 'buffer' | DirentArrayCallback)=, DirentArrayCallback=): void} readdir
* @property {((function(string, FileSystemCallback<object>): void) & function(string, object, FileSystemCallback<object>): void)=} readJson
* @property {(function(string, FileSystemCallback<Buffer | string>): void) & function(string, object, FileSystemCallback<Buffer | string>): void} readlink
* @property {(function(string, FileSystemCallback<FileSystemStats>): void) & function(string, object, FileSystemCallback<Buffer | string>): void=} lstat
* @property {(function(string, FileSystemCallback<FileSystemStats>): void) & function(string, object, FileSystemCallback<Buffer | string>): void} stat
* @typedef {Object} SyncFileSystem
* @property {function(string, object=): Buffer | string} readFileSync
* @property {function(string, object=): (Buffer | string)[] | FileSystemDirent[]} readdirSync
* @property {(function(string, object=): object)=} readJsonSync
* @property {function(string, object=): Buffer | string} readlinkSync
* @property {function(string, object=): FileSystemStats=} lstatSync
* @property {function(string, object=): FileSystemStats} statSync
* @typedef {Object} ParsedIdentifier
* @property {string} request
* @property {string} query
* @property {string} fragment
* @property {boolean} directory
* @property {boolean} module
* @property {boolean} file
* @property {boolean} internal
/** @typedef {string | number | boolean | null} JsonPrimitive */
/** @typedef {JsonValue[]} JsonArray */
/** @typedef {JsonPrimitive | JsonObject | JsonArray} JsonValue */
/** @typedef {{[Key in string]: JsonValue} & {[Key in string]?: JsonValue | undefined}} JsonObject */
* @typedef {Object} BaseResolveRequest
* @property {string | false} path
* @property {object=} context
* @property {string=} descriptionFilePath
* @property {string=} descriptionFileRoot
* @property {JsonObject=} descriptionFileData
* @property {string=} relativePath
* @property {boolean=} ignoreSymlinks
* @property {boolean=} fullySpecified
* @property {string=} __innerRequest
* @property {string=} __innerRequest_request
* @property {string=} __innerRequest_relativePath
/** @typedef {BaseResolveRequest & Partial<ParsedIdentifier>} ResolveRequest */
* String with special formatting
* @typedef {string} StackEntry
* @template T
* @typedef {{ add: (item: T) => void }} WriteOnlySet
/** @typedef {(function (ResolveRequest): void)} ResolveContextYield */
* Resolve context
* @typedef {Object} ResolveContext
* @property {WriteOnlySet<string>=} contextDependencies
* @property {WriteOnlySet<string>=} fileDependencies files that was found on file system
* @property {WriteOnlySet<string>=} missingDependencies dependencies that was not found on file system
* @property {Set<StackEntry>=} stack set of hooks' calls. For instance, `resolve → parsedResolve → describedResolve`,
* @property {(function(string): void)=} log log function
* @property {ResolveContextYield=} yield yield result, if provided plugins can return several results
/** @typedef {AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveRequest, ResolveContext], ResolveRequest | null>} ResolveStepHook */
* @typedef {Object} KnownHooks
* @property {SyncHook<[ResolveStepHook, ResolveRequest], void>} resolveStep
* @property {SyncHook<[ResolveRequest, Error]>} noResolve
* @property {ResolveStepHook} resolve
* @property {AsyncSeriesHook<[ResolveRequest, ResolveContext]>} result
* @typedef {{[key: string]: ResolveStepHook}} EnsuredHooks
* @param {string} str input string
* @returns {string} in camel case
function toCamelCase(str) {
return str.replace(/-([a-z])/g, str => str.slice(1).toUpperCase());
class Resolver {
* @param {ResolveStepHook} hook hook
* @param {ResolveRequest} request request
* @returns {StackEntry} stack entry
static createStackEntry(hook, request) {
return (
hook.name +
": (" +
request.path +
") " +
(request.request || "") +
(request.query || "") +
(request.fragment || "") +
(request.directory ? " directory" : "") +
(request.module ? " module" : "")
* @param {FileSystem} fileSystem a filesystem
* @param {ResolveOptions} options options
constructor(fileSystem, options) {
this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
this.options = options;
/** @type {KnownHooks} */
this.hooks = {
resolveStep: new SyncHook(["hook", "request"], "resolveStep"),
noResolve: new SyncHook(["request", "error"], "noResolve"),
resolve: new AsyncSeriesBailHook(
["request", "resolveContext"],
result: new AsyncSeriesHook(["result", "resolveContext"], "result")
* @param {string | ResolveStepHook} name hook name or hook itself
* @returns {ResolveStepHook} the hook
ensureHook(name) {
if (typeof name !== "string") {
return name;
name = toCamelCase(name);
if (/^before/.test(name)) {
return /** @type {ResolveStepHook} */ (
this.ensureHook(name[6].toLowerCase() + name.slice(7)).withOptions({
stage: -10
if (/^after/.test(name)) {
return /** @type {ResolveStepHook} */ (
this.ensureHook(name[5].toLowerCase() + name.slice(6)).withOptions({
stage: 10
/** @type {ResolveStepHook} */
const hook = /** @type {KnownHooks & EnsuredHooks} */ (this.hooks)[name];
if (!hook) {
/** @type {KnownHooks & EnsuredHooks} */
(this.hooks)[name] = new AsyncSeriesBailHook(
["request", "resolveContext"],
return /** @type {KnownHooks & EnsuredHooks} */ (this.hooks)[name];
return hook;
* @param {string | ResolveStepHook} name hook name or hook itself
* @returns {ResolveStepHook} the hook
getHook(name) {
if (typeof name !== "string") {
return name;
name = toCamelCase(name);
if (/^before/.test(name)) {
return /** @type {ResolveStepHook} */ (
this.getHook(name[6].toLowerCase() + name.slice(7)).withOptions({
stage: -10
if (/^after/.test(name)) {
return /** @type {ResolveStepHook} */ (
this.getHook(name[5].toLowerCase() + name.slice(6)).withOptions({
stage: 10
/** @type {ResolveStepHook} */
const hook = /** @type {KnownHooks & EnsuredHooks} */ (this.hooks)[name];
if (!hook) {
throw new Error(`Hook ${name} doesn't exist`);
return hook;
* @param {object} context context information object
* @param {string} path context path
* @param {string} request request string
* @returns {string | false} result
resolveSync(context, path, request) {
/** @type {Error | null | undefined} */
let err = undefined;
/** @type {string | false | undefined} */
let result = undefined;
let sync = false;
this.resolve(context, path, request, {}, (e, r) => {
err = e;
result = r;
sync = true;
if (!sync) {
throw new Error(
"Cannot 'resolveSync' because the fileSystem is not sync. Use 'resolve'!"
if (err) throw err;
if (result === undefined) throw new Error("No result");
return result;
* @param {object} context context information object
* @param {string} path context path
* @param {string} request request string
* @param {ResolveContext} resolveContext resolve context
* @param {ResolveCallback} callback callback function
* @returns {void}
resolve(context, path, request, resolveContext, callback) {
if (!context || typeof context !== "object")
return callback(new Error("context argument is not an object"));
if (typeof path !== "string")
return callback(new Error("path argument is not a string"));
if (typeof request !== "string")
return callback(new Error("request argument is not a string"));
if (!resolveContext)
return callback(new Error("resolveContext argument is not set"));
/** @type {ResolveRequest} */
const obj = {
context: context,
path: path,
request: request
/** @type {ResolveContextYield | undefined} */
let yield_;
let yieldCalled = false;
/** @type {ResolveContextYield | undefined} */
let finishYield;
if (typeof resolveContext.yield === "function") {
const old = resolveContext.yield;
* @param {ResolveRequest} obj object
yield_ = obj => {
yieldCalled = true;
* @param {ResolveRequest} result result
* @returns {void}
finishYield = result => {
if (result) {
/** @type {ResolveContextYield} */ (yield_)(result);
const message = `resolve '${request}' in '${path}'`;
* @param {ResolveRequest} result result
* @returns {void}
const finishResolved = result => {
return callback(
result.path === false
? false
: `${result.path.replace(/#/g, "\0#")}${
result.query ? result.query.replace(/#/g, "\0#") : ""
}${result.fragment || ""}`,
* @param {string[]} log logs
* @returns {void}
const finishWithoutResolve = log => {
* @type {ErrorWithDetail}
const error = new Error("Can't " + message);
error.details = log.join("\n");
this.hooks.noResolve.call(obj, error);
return callback(error);
if (resolveContext.log) {
// We need log anyway to capture it in case of an error
const parentLog = resolveContext.log;
/** @type {string[]} */
const log = [];
return this.doResolve(
log: msg => {
yield: yield_,
fileDependencies: resolveContext.fileDependencies,
contextDependencies: resolveContext.contextDependencies,
missingDependencies: resolveContext.missingDependencies,
stack: resolveContext.stack
(err, result) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (yieldCalled || (result && yield_)) {
return /** @type {ResolveContextYield} */ (finishYield)(
/** @type {ResolveRequest} */ (result)
if (result) return finishResolved(result);
return finishWithoutResolve(log);
} else {
// Try to resolve assuming there is no error
// We don't log stuff in this case
return this.doResolve(
log: undefined,
yield: yield_,
fileDependencies: resolveContext.fileDependencies,
contextDependencies: resolveContext.contextDependencies,
missingDependencies: resolveContext.missingDependencies,
stack: resolveContext.stack
(err, result) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (yieldCalled || (result && yield_)) {
return /** @type {ResolveContextYield} */ (finishYield)(
/** @type {ResolveRequest} */ (result)
if (result) return finishResolved(result);
// log is missing for the error details
// so we redo the resolving for the log info
// this is more expensive to the success case
// is assumed by default
/** @type {string[]} */
const log = [];
return this.doResolve(
log: msg => log.push(msg),
yield: yield_,
stack: resolveContext.stack
(err, result) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
// In a case that there is a race condition and yield will be called
if (yieldCalled || (result && yield_)) {
return /** @type {ResolveContextYield} */ (finishYield)(
/** @type {ResolveRequest} */ (result)
return finishWithoutResolve(log);
* @param {ResolveStepHook} hook hook
* @param {ResolveRequest} request request
* @param {null|string} message string
* @param {ResolveContext} resolveContext resolver context
* @param {(err?: null|Error, result?: ResolveRequest) => void} callback callback
* @returns {void}
doResolve(hook, request, message, resolveContext, callback) {
const stackEntry = Resolver.createStackEntry(hook, request);
/** @type {Set<string> | undefined} */
let newStack;
if (resolveContext.stack) {
newStack = new Set(resolveContext.stack);
if (resolveContext.stack.has(stackEntry)) {
* Prevent recursion
* @type {Error & {recursion?: boolean}}
const recursionError = new Error(
"Recursion in resolving\nStack:\n " +
Array.from(newStack).join("\n ")
recursionError.recursion = true;
if (resolveContext.log)
resolveContext.log("abort resolving because of recursion");
return callback(recursionError);
} else {
newStack = new Set([stackEntry]);
this.hooks.resolveStep.call(hook, request);
if (hook.isUsed()) {
const innerContext = createInnerContext(
log: resolveContext.log,
yield: resolveContext.yield,
fileDependencies: resolveContext.fileDependencies,
contextDependencies: resolveContext.contextDependencies,
missingDependencies: resolveContext.missingDependencies,
stack: newStack
return hook.callAsync(request, innerContext, (err, result) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (result) return callback(null, result);
} else {
* @param {string} identifier identifier
* @returns {ParsedIdentifier} parsed identifier
parse(identifier) {
const part = {
request: "",
query: "",
fragment: "",
module: false,
directory: false,
file: false,
internal: false
const parsedIdentifier = parseIdentifier(identifier);
if (!parsedIdentifier) return part;
[part.request, part.query, part.fragment] = parsedIdentifier;
if (part.request.length > 0) {
part.internal = this.isPrivate(identifier);
part.module = this.isModule(part.request);
part.directory = this.isDirectory(part.request);
if (part.directory) {
part.request = part.request.slice(0, -1);
return part;
* @param {string} path path
* @returns {boolean} true, if the path is a module
isModule(path) {
return getType(path) === PathType.Normal;
* @param {string} path path
* @returns {boolean} true, if the path is private
isPrivate(path) {
return getType(path) === PathType.Internal;
* @param {string} path a path
* @returns {boolean} true, if the path is a directory path
isDirectory(path) {
return path.endsWith("/");
* @param {string} path path
* @param {string} request request
* @returns {string} joined path
join(path, request) {
return join(path, request);
* @param {string} path path
* @returns {string} normalized path
normalize(path) {
return normalize(path);
module.exports = Resolver;