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style="margin:20rpx auto 0;height: 180rpx;background-image: linear-gradient(-81deg,rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 0,rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 0,rgba(225, 235, 255, 1) 100%,rgba(225, 235, 255, 1) 100%);"
<u--image :src="imagesUrl+'notice.png'" width="127rpx" height="123rpx"></u--image>
<view class="margin-top" style="width: 480rpx;">
<u-notice-bar :text="notice" direction="column" speed="250" color="#000" bgColor="none"
icon="false" fontSize="32rpx" :customStyle="{}"></u-notice-bar>
<text class="text-lg text-bold">{{notice.noticeTitle}}</text>
<view class="group_3 flex-col" @click="getdetlis()">
<u--image :src="imagesUrl+'guide.png'" width="730rpx" height="207rpx" @click="click"></u--image>
<view class="group_5 flex justify-between flex-wrap">
<view style="margin-left: 22rpx;" @click="this.$tab.navigateTo('/subCarPages/buy/buy')">
<u--image :src="imagesUrl+'buy.png'" width="325rpx" height="170rpx"></u--image>
<view style="float: right;" @click="this.$tab.navigateTo('/subCarPages/sell/sell')">
<u--image :src="imagesUrl+'sell.png'" width="325rpx" height="170rpx"></u--image>
<view style="margin-left: 22rpx;" @click="this.$tab.navigateTo('/subCarPages/userPost/userPost')">
<u--image :src="imagesUrl+'car1.png'" width="325rpx" height="170rpx"></u--image>
<view style="float: right;"
<u--image :src="imagesUrl+'guohu.png'" width="325rpx" height="170rpx"></u--image>
<view class="section_4 flex-col">
<view class=" w700 flex-row justify-between align-end" style="margin: 0 auto;height: 70rpx;">
<view class="box_2 flex-row align-end justify-between">
<image class="image_8" :src="imagesUrl+'reg.png'" v-show="tab1Show" />
<text class="tab_text" v-show="tab2Show" @click="changeTab(2)">注册经销商</text>
<image class="image_9" :src="imagesUrl+'user_post.png'" v-show="tab2Show" />
<text class="tab_text" v-show="tab1Show" @click="changeTab(1)">会员发布</text>
<view class="margin-left" @click="this.$tab.navigateTo('/subCarPages/buyList/buyList')">
<view class="box_3 flex-col" :style="{marginLeft:tab1Show ? '35rpx' :'200rpx' }"></view>
<view class="box_4 flex-row">
<u-search placeholder="品牌/车系/型号" v-model="keyword" :clearabled="true" @search="filterList"
@clear="filterList" :show-action="false"></u-search>
<view class="box_5 flex-row justify-between">
<view class="image-text_4 flex-col">
<view class="flex-row justify-between" @click="showPriceDownList">
<text class="text-group_4">排序</text>
<image class="thumbnail_3" :src="imagesUrl+'downarr.png'" />
<view class="downList flex-row flex-wrap" v-show="priceDownListShow">
<view class="btn" :style="{ 'background': orderBy == 'priceAsc' ? '#feebb2' :''}"
<view class="btn" :style="{ 'background': orderBy == 'priceDesc' ? '#feebb2' :''}"
<view class="btn" :style="{ 'background': orderBy == 'kilometersAsc' ? '#feebb2' :''}"
<view class="btn" :style="{ 'background': orderBy == 'kilometersDesc' ? '#feebb2' :''}"
<view class="btn" :style="{ 'background': orderBy == 'carRecordDateDesc' ? '#feebb2' :''}"
<view class="btn" :style="{ 'background': orderBy == 'carRecordDateAsc' ? '#feebb2' :''}"
<view class="btn" style="align-self: flex-end;" @click="orderBySelect('')">
<view class="image-text_7 flex-col">
<view class="flex-row justify-between" @click="showSelectDownList">
<image class="label_2" :src="imagesUrl+'select.png'" />
<text class="text-group_7">筛选</text>
<view v-show="selectDownListShow" class="flex-col "
style="position:relative;top:20rpx; height: auto; left:-650rpx; width: 750rpx; padding: 10rpx; background-color: #fff; z-index: 9999; border-radius: 5rpx; text-align: left;">
<view style="padding: 20rpx 0;">
<view style="margin: 20rpx;">
<text class="text-bold">价格区间</text>
<view style="margin: 20rpx;">
<u-radio-group class="flex-row justify-between" style="width: 750rpx;"
@change="setPriceRangeParams" placement="row">
<u-radio size="30rpx" labelSize="30rpx" v-for="(item, index) in priceRange"
shape="square" :key="index" :label="" :name="item.value"
:customStyle="{marginRight: '35rpx'}">
<view style="padding: 20rpx 0;">
<view style="margin: 20rpx;">
<text class="text-bold">公里数区间</text>
<view style="margin: 20rpx;">
<u-radio-group class="flex-row justify-between" style="width: 750rpx;"
@change="setKilometersParams" placement="row">
<u-radio :labelDisabled="true" size="30rpx" labelSize="30rpx"
v-for="(item, index) in kilometersRange" shape="square" :key="index"
:label="" :name="item.value" :customStyle="{marginRight: '35rpx'}">
<view style="padding: 20rpx 0;">
<view style="margin: 20rpx; " class="flex-row justify-between">
<u-button :plain="true" shape="circle" text="重置"
<u-button type="primary" shape="circle" text="确定" color="#ff5500"
<view class="carList" style="min-height: 250rpx;">
<view class="w700" style="margin: 0 auto;">
<u-loading-icon size="80" :show="loadingShow"></u-loading-icon>
<view class="goods" v-for="item,index in carList" :key="index" @click="goCarInfo(item.carId)">
<u--image class="goodImg" radius="10rpx" width="330rpx" height="180rpx" :showLoading="true"
:src=" baseUrl + firstSubstring(item.carPics)"></u--image>
<view class="hot">
<u--image :src=" imagesUrl + 'hot.png'" width="53rpx" height="30rpx"></u--image>
<view class="carTitle u-line-2">
{{ item.carBrand + item.carModel }}
<view class="carAge">
{{ getDurationFromDate(item.carRecordDate) }}
<view class="flex-row justify-between align-center">
<view class="text-wrapper_4" v-if="item.carPrice == '面议'">
<text class="text_10">价格面议</text>
<view v-else>
<text class="text_11">{{ formatAmountToWan(item.carPrice) }}</text>
<text class="text_12">万</text>
<text class="text_11">{{ item.carKilometers }}</text>
<text class="text_12">Km</text>
<!-- <u-loadmore :status="status" /> -->
<view class="jsx">
<view class="xian"></view>
<view class="dian">·</view>
<view class="xian"></view>
<view class="q-box" @click="gettel()">
<view class="baizi">{{rtel}}</view>
<image :src="imagesUrl + 'carTel.png'" mode=""></image>
<view class="box_28 flex-row justify-between">
<text class="text_70">免责声明</text>
<image class="image_27" :src="imagesUrl+'mian.png'" />
<text class="paragraph_12">
<!-- <view class="bai-yuan">
<view style="width: 100%; text-align: center; line-height: 36px;">
<uni-icons type="phone-filled" size="34" color="#4282D8"></uni-icons>
</view> -->
import Decimal from "decimal.js"; // 具体文件中引入
export default {
data() {
return {
imagesUrl: getApp().globalData.config.imagesUrl,
baseUrl: getApp().globalData.config.baseUrl,
notice: null,
constants: {},
status: 'loadmore',
keyword: '',
carType: '',
indexList: [],
priceRange: [{
name: '5万以下',
value: [0, 50000]
name: '5-10万',
value: [50001, 100000]
name: '10-15万',
value: [100001, 150000]
}, {
name: '15万以上',
value: [150001, 9999999]
priceRangeParams: [],
kilometersRange: [{
name: '3万以下',
value: [0, 30000]
name: '3-5万',
value: [30001, 50000]
name: '5-10万',
value: [50001, 100000]
}, {
name: '10万以上',
value: [100001, 9999999]
kilometersParams: [],
tab1Show: true,
tab2Show: false,
tab3Show: false,
priceDownListShow: false,
selectDownListShow: false,
carList: [],
orderBy: '',
loadingShow: true,
isLoadMore: false, //是否加载中
params: {
pageSize: 10,
pageNum: 1,
rtel: '18715738821',
onLoad() {
onReachBottom() {
if (!this.isLoadMore) { //此处判断,上锁,防止重复请求
this.status = 'loading';
this.isLoadMore = true
methods: {
async getConfig() {
const res = await this.$request({
url: '/system/shopconfig/listWx'
// console.log('电话号码', res.rows[0]);
let num = res.rows[0].carTel
this.rtel = this.addHyphenEveryThreeChars(num)
addHyphenEveryThreeChars(str) {
let modifiedPhoneNumber = str.replace(/(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{4})/, "$1-$2-$3");
return modifiedPhoneNumber;
gettel() {
phoneNumber: this.rtel //仅为示例
getdetlis() {
url: '/subCarPages/details/details'
// 获取公告
async getNotice() {
const res = await this.$request({
url: '/system/notice/listWx',
data: {
noticeType: 1,
pageSize: 5
let notice = []
for (let i = 0; i < res.rows.length; i++) {
this.notice = notice;
// 获取注册经销商二手车列表
async getCarList() {
let carType = this.tab1Show ? '经销商' : '会员'
const res = await this.$request({
url: '/system/car/listWx',
data: {
carBrand: this.keyword,
orderBy: this.orderBy,
pageSize: this.params.pageSize,
pageNum: this.params.pageNum,
beginCarKilometers: this.kilometersParams.length > 0 ? this.kilometersParams[0] : '',
endCarKilometers: this.kilometersParams.length > 0 ? this.kilometersParams[1] : '',
beginCarPrice: this.priceRangeParams.length > 0 ? this.priceRangeParams[0] : '',
endCarPrice: this.priceRangeParams.length > 0 ? this.priceRangeParams[1] : '',
this.carList = this.carList.concat(res.rows);
if (res.rows.length < this.params.pageSize) { //判断接口返回数据量小于请求数据量,则表示此为最后一页
this.status = 'nomore';
this.isLoadMore = true
} else {
this.isLoadMore = false
this.loadingShow = false
// console.log(res);
// 筛选过滤
filterList() {
this.params.pageNum = 1
this.carList = []
this.selectDownListShow = false
resetFilterList() {
this.orderBy = ''
this.params.pageNum = 1
this.carList = []
this.kilometersParams = []
this.priceRangeParams = []
this.selectDownListShow = false
// 按逗号分隔字符串,获取第一个元素,用于图片展示
firstSubstring(string) {
if (string.includes(',')) {
return string.split(',')[0];
} else {
return string;
// 参数日期,获取据今天时间差
getDurationFromDate(dateString) {
// 将传入的日期字符串转换为 Date 对象
var inputDate = new Date(dateString);
// 获取当前日期
var currentDate = new Date();
// 计算年份差值
var yearDiff = currentDate.getFullYear() - inputDate.getFullYear();
// 计算月份差值
var monthDiff = (currentDate.getMonth() + 1) - (inputDate.getMonth() + 1);
// 如果月份差值为负数,年份差值减 1月份差值加 12
if (monthDiff < 0) {
monthDiff += 12;
// 判断年份等于 0 且月份不等于 0 的情况,只返回月份
if (yearDiff === 0 && monthDiff !== 0) {
return monthDiff + '个月';
// 判断年份等于 0 且月份等于 0 的情况,返回"准新车"
if (yearDiff === 0 && monthDiff === 0) {
return "准新车";
// 返回年份和月份
return yearDiff + '年' + monthDiff + '个月';
// 格式化金额,转为万元单位
formatAmountToWan(num) {
num = Number(num);
if (num == 0) {
return num + "";
} else {
return new Decimal(num).div(new Decimal(10000)).toString();
// 切换tab页
changeTab(tabIndex) {
if (tabIndex == 1) {
this.tab1Show = false
this.tab2Show = true
if (tabIndex == 2) {
this.tab1Show = true
this.tab2Show = false
this.carList = []
this.params.pageNum = 1
this.params.pageSize = 10
// 价格下拉菜单
showPriceDownList() {
this.priceDownListShow = !this.priceDownListShow
// 筛选下拉菜单
showSelectDownList() {
this.selectDownListShow = !this.selectDownListShow
orderBySelect(orderBy) {
this.orderBy = orderBy
this.carList = []
this.params.pageNum = 1
this.priceDownListShow = false
this.kilometersDownListShow = false
this.selectDownListShow = false
setPriceRangeParams(e) {
this.priceRangeParams = e
setKilometersParams(e) {
this.kilometersParams = e
goCarInfo(id) {
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