This commit is contained in:
xvv 2024-09-12 18:18:02 +08:00
parent bea205f876
commit b01edd5d1a
7 changed files with 346 additions and 1217 deletions

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ VUE_APP_BASE_API = '/dev-api'
# 后端接口地址

View File

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
# \u57FA\u672C\u914D\u7F6E
# \u6570\u636E\u5E93\u914D\u7F6E

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
{ // launch.json configurations app-plus/h5/mp-weixin/mp-baidu/mp-alipay/mp-qq/mp-toutiao/mp-360/
// launchtypelocalremote, localremote
"version": "0.0",
"configurations": [{
"default" :
"launchtype" : "local"
"mp-weixin" :
"launchtype" : "local"
"type" : "uniCloud"

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module.exports = {
// baseUrl: '',
// baseUrl: '',
// baseUrl: '',
baseUrl: '',
baseUrl: '',
// baseUrl: '',
imagesUrl: '',
// 应用信息

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -50,6 +50,13 @@
"navigationStyle": "custom"
"path": "memberRecharge/index",
"style": {
"navigationBarTitleText": "会员充值"
"path": "RechargeRecords/RechargeRecords",
"style": {
@ -307,8 +314,8 @@
"path": "pages/index/index",
"style": {
"navigationBarTitleText": "首页",
"navigationStyle": "custom"
"navigationBarTitleText": "百业兴智慧加油站"
// "navigationStyle": "custom"
@ -329,7 +336,7 @@
"globalStyle": {
"navigationBarTextStyle": "black",
"navigationBarTitleText": "uni-app",
"navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#F8F8F8",
"navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#fff",
"backgroundColor": "#F8F8F8"
"uniIdRouter": {}

View File

@ -1,147 +1,117 @@
<view class="content">
<view class="container">
<!--外层 -->
<!-- 顶部 -->
<view class="conttainer-top">
<!-- 轮播图 -->
<view style="width: 100%;height: 300px;">
<swiper class="swiper" style="width: 100%;height: 300px;" circular :indicator-dots="indicatorDots"
:autoplay="autoplay" :interval="interval" :duration="duration">
<swiper-item v-for="(item,index) in list1" :key="index" @click="goPage(item.routeUrl)">
<view class="swiper-item uni-bg-red">
<image style="width: 100%;" :src="item.bannerUrl"></image>
<!-- <image style="width: 100%;" :src="getBannerUrl(item.bannerUrl)"></image> -->
<!-- 标题 -->
<view class="top-title">
出行服务 优惠加油
<view class="lan-gang">
<view class="lsiez"> <uni-icons type="checkbox" color="#ffffff" size="10"></uni-icons> </view>
<view class="lsiez"> <uni-icons type="checkbox" color="#ffffff" size="10"></uni-icons> </view>
<view class="lsiez"> <uni-icons type="checkbox" color="#ffffff" size="10"></uni-icons> </view>
<!-- 金刚区 -->
<view class="conttainer-jg">
<view class="jg-box" @click="toQRcode">
<view class="jg-img">
<image src="../../static/imgs/viprwm.png" mode="aspectFit"></image>
<view class="jg-size">二维码</view>
<swiper class="swiper" style="width: 100%;height: 160px; border-radius: 6px;overflow: hidden; " circular
:indicator-dots="indicatorDots" :autoplay="autoplay" :interval="interval" :duration="duration">
<swiper-item v-for="(item,index) in 3" :key="index" @click="goPage(item.routeUrl)">
<view class="swiper-item uni-bg-red">
<image src="../../static/new/banners.png" style="height: 163px; width: 100%;"></image>
<view class="jg-box" @click="goActivity()">
<view class="jg-img">
<image src="../../static/imgs/bzhd.png" mode="aspectFit"></image>
<view class="jg-size">本站活动</view>
<view class="jg-box" @click="goCard()" v-if="isOpen">
<view class="jg-img">
<image src="../../static/imgs/ykcz.png" mode="aspectFit"></image>
<view class="jg-size">油卡充值</view>
<view class="jg-box" @click="goMall()">
<view class="jg-img">
<image src="../../static/imgs/jfsc.png" mode="aspectFit"></image>
<view class="jg-size">积分商城</view>
<!-- 金刚区结束 -->
<!-- 顶部结束 -->
<!-- centenr -->
<view class="conttainer-cetr">
<view class="conttainer-title">今日会员价</view>
<!-- <view class="conttainer-box" v-for="(item,index) in oilTypeList" :key="index">
<view class="c-box-box1">
<view class="">{{item.oilName||''}}</view>
<view class="c-box-box2">
<view class="xred">会员价</view>
<view class="dred"> <text class="xred"></text> {{item.oilPrice||0}}</view>
<view class="c-box-box3">
<view class="xblck">国标价</view>
<view class="dblck"> <text class="xblck"></text> {{item.gbPrice||0}}</view>
</view> -->
<swiper class="swiper" style="width: 100%;height: 70px;" circular :autoplay="autoplay"
:interval="interval" :vertical="true" :duration="duration">
<swiper-item class="conttainer-box" v-for="(item,index) in oilTypeList" :key="index">
<view class="c-box-box1">
<view class="">{{item.oilName||''}}</view>
<view class="c-box-box2">
<view class="xred">会员价</view>
<view class="dred"> <text class="xred"></text> {{item.oilPrice||0}}</view>
<view class="c-box-box3">
<view class="xblck">国标价</view>
<view class="dblck"> <text class="xblck"></text> {{item.gbPrice||0}}</view>
<view class="_jgbox">
<view class="_bgox">
<image src="../../static/new/n1.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="">扫码买单</view>
<view class="_bgox">
<image src="../../static/new/n2.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="">一键加油</view>
<view class="_bgox" @click="goMemberRecharge()">
<image src="../../static/new/n3.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="">会员充值</view>
<view class="_bgox">
<image src="../../static/new/n4.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="">积分兑换</view>
<view class="_bgox">
<image src="../../static/new/n5.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="">领券中心</view>
<view class="_bgox">
<image src="../../static/new/n6.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="">邀请有礼</view>
<view class="_bgox">
<image src="../../static/new/n7.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="">每日抽奖</view>
<view class="_bgox">
<image src="../../static/new/n8.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="">签到有礼</view>
<!-- centenr结束 -->
<!-- 加油站卡片-->
<view class="station">
<view class="station-box">
<view class="station-title" style="display: flex;justify-content: space-between;">
{{}}{{store.description ? "("+store.description+")" : ""}}
<!-- <view class="" @click="goChooseAddress" style="width: 22%;font-size: 14px;font-weight: 400;">
<view style="font-size: 12px;">切换位置 <uni-icons type="right" color="#304fff"
size="14"></uni-icons> </view>
</view> -->
<view style="display: flex;">
<view class="bule-icon" v-if="welfare.length!=0" v-for="(item,index) in welfare" :key="index">
<!-- 今日油价 -->
<view class="_yjbox">
<view class="title-img">
<image src="../../static/new/t1.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="_gbox">
<view class="_ns">92#汽油</view>
<view class="_ns">¥8.99</view>
<view class="_ns _lv">0.12%</view>
<view class="_gbox">
<view class="_ns">92#汽油</view>
<view class="_ns">¥8.99</view>
<view class="_ns _red">0.12%</view>
<view class="_gbox">
<view class="_ns">92#汽油</view>
<view class="_ns">¥8.99</view>
<view class="_ns _red">0.12%</view>
<view class="_gbox">
<view class="_ns">92#汽油</view>
<view class="_ns">¥8.99</view>
<view class="_ns _red">0.12%</view>
<view class="station-box" @click="ruleShow = true ">
<view class="station-title" style="display: flex;justify-content: space-between;">
<view>{{}}{{store.description ? "("+store.description+")" : ""}}</view>
<view class="lananniu" @click="goGoGo" v-if="distance!=''">
<uni-icons type="paperplane-filled" color="#E02020" size="16"></uni-icons>
<view class="dis-bt">
<view class="">
<view class="hui1">{{ store.address }}</view>
<view class="hui2" v-if="distance">{{ distance }}km</view>
<view class="lananniu" @click="goGoGo" v-if="distance!=''">
<uni-icons type="paperplane-filled" color="#195ADA" size="16"></uni-icons>
{{ distance || "0" }}KM
<u-swiper :list="list3" previousMargin="30" nextMargin="30" circular :autoplay="false" radius="5"
<view class="juanniu" @click="goOil()">
<view class="">一键加油</view>
<view style="display: flex;">
<view class="bule-icon" v-if="welfare.length!=0" v-for="(item,index) in welfare" :key="index">
<view style="height: 88px; width: 100%;"></view>
<view class="dis-bt">
<view class="">
<view class="hui1">{{ store.address }} | {{ distance || 0 }}km </view>
<view class="hui2" v-if="distance"></view>
<!-- <view class="lananniu" @click="goGoGo" v-if="distance!=''">
<uni-icons type="paperplane-filled" color="#195ADA" size="16"></uni-icons>
{{ distance || "0" }}KM
</view> -->
<!-- 加油站卡片结束-->
<view style="width: 100%; height: 68px; "></view>
<u-picker :columns="columns" @confirm="confirm" :show="show" @cancel="show = false"
<u-overlay :show="shows == true">
<image src="../../static/imgs/zzxryl.png"
style="width: 280px; height: 350px; margin: 20px auto; margin-top: 200px; ">
<view class="anniuprp" @click="drawDown()">
<!-- <u-popup :show="ruleShow" mode="bottom" @close="close" @open="open">
<view class="_tbox">
<view class="_btop">百业兴加油站申请</view>
<view class="">
<view class="">获取您的位置信息</view>
<view class="">我们将获取您的当前位置信息以便精准推荐</view>
<view class="b-cen"></view>
</u-popup> -->
<!--外层结束 -->
<tabbar :msg="msg"></tabbar>
@ -159,6 +129,7 @@
export default {
data() {
return {
ruleShow: false,
isOpen: false,
chainStoreId: '',
indicatorDots: true,
@ -280,6 +251,11 @@
methods: {
goMemberRecharge() {
url: '/pagesHome/memberRecharge/index'
isRecharge() {
url: 'business/storeInformation/store/isRecharge',
@ -785,19 +761,22 @@
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@ -955,12 +934,12 @@
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@ -971,13 +950,13 @@
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@ -1004,13 +983,13 @@
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@ -1059,4 +1038,78 @@
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color: #6DD400 !important;
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