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"("+store.description+")" : ""}}</view> <view class="lananniu" @click="goGoGo" v-if="distance!=''"> <uni-icons type="paperplane-filled" color="#E02020" size="16"></uni-icons> 导航 </view> </view><!--顺通石化加油站(工业南路站)--> <view style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; "> <view class="bule-icon" v-if="welfare.length!=0" v-for="(item,index) in welfare" :key="index"> {{item}} </view> </view> <view class="dis-bt"> <view class=""> <view class="hui1">{{ store.address }} | {{ distance || 0 }}km </view> <view class="hui2" v-if="distance"></view> </view> <!-- <view class="lananniu" @click="goGoGo" v-if="distance!=''"> <uni-icons type="paperplane-filled" color="#195ADA" size="16"></uni-icons> {{ distance || "0" }}KM </view> --> </view> </view> <!-- 加油站卡片结束--> <view style="width: 100%; height: 68px; "></view> <u-picker :columns="columns" @confirm="confirm" :show="show" @cancel="show = false" keyName="label"></u-picker> <u-popup :show="ruleShow" :closeable="true" :round="10" mode="bottom" @close="close"> <view class="_tbox"> <view class="_btop">百业兴加油站申请</view> <view class="_bbox"> <view class="b_title">获取您的位置信息</view> <view class="">我们将获取您的当前位置信息,以便精准推荐离您最近 的店铺信息</view> </view> <view class="b-cen"> <view class="_d_anniu" @click="ruleShow = false">拒绝</view> <view class="_s_anniu" @click="ruleShow = false">允许</view> </view> </view> </u-popup> <u-popup :show="empowerShow" :closeable="true" :round="10" mode="bottom" @close="empowerclose"> <view class="_tbox"> <view class="_btop">第三方用户信息授权说明</view> <view class="_bbox"> <view class="">您授权后,小程序开发者将收集您的位置信息,为您提 供智能推荐服务。开发者严格按照《钜油惠百业兴小程 序隐私保护指引》处理您的个人信息,如您发现开发者 不当处理您的个人信息,可进行投诉。</view> </view> <view class="b-cen"> <view class="_d_anniu" @click="empowerShow = false">拒绝</view> <view class="_s_anniu" @click="empowerShow = false">允许</view> </view> </view> </u-popup> <!--外层结束 --> <tabbar :msg="msg"></tabbar> </view> </view> </template> <script> import tabbar from "../../components/tabbar/tabbar.vue" import config from '@/config' import request from '../../utils/request' import { callWithErrorHandling } from "vue" export default { data() { return { ruleShow: false, empowerShow: false, isOpen: false, chainStoreId: '', indicatorDots: true, autoplay: true, interval: 3000, duration: 500, joinmsg: '', msg: "1", show: false, shows: '', title: '', oilTypeList: '', columns: [], oilInfo: { oilName: '未添加', oilPrice: '0', gbPrice: '0' }, AppToken: uni.getStorageSync("App-Token"), list1: [], list3: [ '', ], // 当前经度信息 longitude: "", // 当前纬度信息 latitude: "", // 店铺经度信息 lon: "", // 店铺纬度信息 lat: "", // 店铺信息 store: { name: "测试油站", description: "济南分店", address: "济南槐荫区" }, // 店铺福利信息 welfare: [], distance: "", storeId: "", staffId: "", baseUrl: this.$baseUrl, } }, async onLoad(query) { if (query.storeId) { // uni.setStorageSync("y_storeId", query.storeId) uni.setStorageSync("storeId", query.storeId) } if (query.type) { uni.setStorageSync("y_type", query.type) } if (query.userId) { uni.setStorageSync("y_userId", query.userId) } if (uni.getStorageSync("appltType") == "WECHAT") { const q = decodeURIComponent(query.q) // 获取到二维码原始链接内容 if (query.q) { let str = q.split("?")[1]; let storeId = ""; let staffId = ""; let userId = ""; let type = ""; if (str.includes("&")) { let arr = str.split("&"); arr.forEach(item => { if (item.includes("storeId")) { storeId = item.split("=")[1] } else if (item.includes("staffId")) { staffId = item.split("=")[1] } else if (item.includes("userId")) { userId = item.split("=")[1] } else if (item.includes("type")) { type = item.split("=")[1] } }) } else { storeId = str.split("=")[1] } uni.setStorageSync("storeId", storeId) uni.setStorageSync("y_type", type) uni.setStorageSync("y_userId", userId) uni.setStorageSync("inviteStaffId", staffId) this.storeId = uni.getStorageSync("storeId") this.chainStoreId = uni.getStorageSync("chainStoreId") this.staffId = uni.getStorageSync("inviteStaffId") // await this.getUserAuthority(); // await this.getOilType(); } else { if (uni.getStorageSync("storeId")) { this.storeId = uni.getStorageSync("storeId") } // await this.getOilType(); } await this.getUserAuthority(); await this.getTheJudgmentIsTheSame(); } else { await this.getUserAuthority(); // await this.getOilType(); await this.getTheJudgmentIsTheSame(); } }, async onShow() { await this.getTheJudgmentIsTheSame(); await this.isJoined() this.isRecharge() // this.getAddress() // this.getUserAuthority() this.getIndexBanner() }, components: { tabbar }, methods: { goSignIn(){ uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pagesMy/signIn/index' }) }, goInvite() { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pagesMy/invite/invite' }) }, goMyCard() { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pagesHome/MyCard/MyCard' }) }, getCode() { uni.scanCode({ onlyFromCamera: true, success: (res) => { console.log('扫描二维码成功,结果:' + JSON.stringify(res) + res.result); let storeId = "" let staffId = "" let str = res.result.split("?")[1]; if (str.includes("&")) { let arr = str.split("&"); arr.forEach(item => { if (item.includes("storeId")) { storeId = item.split("=")[1] } else if (item.includes("staffId")) { staffId = item.split("=")[1] } }) } else { storeId = str.split("=")[1] } console.log(storeId, staffId, 289); uni.setStorageSync("storeId", storeId) this.getUserAuthority(); uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/refuel/refuel?storeId=' + storeId + '?staffId=' + staffId }) }, error: (res) => { console.log('扫描二维码出现错误') } }) }, goCoupon() { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pagesHome/certificate/index' }) }, close() { this.ruleShow = false }, empowerclose() { this.empowerShow = false }, goMemberRecharge() { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pagesHome/memberRecharge/index' }) }, goredemption() { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pagesHome/PointsRedemption/index' }) }, isRecharge() { request({ url: 'business/storeInformation/store/isRecharge', method: 'get', }).then(res => { if (res.data) { this.isOpen = true } else { this.isOpen = false } }) }, // 返回图片路径 getBannerUrl(url) { let imgurl = "" if (url.includes("http")) { imgurl = url } else { imgurl = this.baseUrl + url } return imgurl; }, // 跳转banner图对应的页面 goPage(url) { uni.navigateTo({ url: url, }) }, // 获取首页轮播图信息 getIndexBanner() { let _this = this if (uni.getStorageSync("storeId")) { request({ url: 'business/indexBanner/list/' + uni.getStorageSync("storeId"), method: 'get', }).then(res => { _this.list1 = res.data if (res.data.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < res.data.length; i++) { if (res.data[i].bannerUrl.includes("http")) { _this.list1[i].bannerUrl = res.data[i].bannerUrl } else { _this.list1[i].bannerUrl = _this.baseUrl + res.data[i].bannerUrl } } } }) } }, //判断是否是新人 isJoined() { let params = { storeId: uni.getStorageSync("storeId") } // 判断是否登录 if (!this.AppToken) { return; } request({ url: 'business/marketingActivity/activeNewlywedsRecords/applet', method: 'get', params: params }).then(res => { console.log("366" + res) if (res.code == 200 && res.data == 1) { this.shows = true } else { this.shows = false } }) }, //立即领取 drawDown() { /* this.shows = false */ request({ url: 'business/marketingActivity/activeNewlywedsRecords', method: 'post', data: { storeId: this.storeId, chainStoreId: this.chainStoreId, } }).then(res => { console.log("385" + res) if (res.code == 200 && res.data == true) { this.shows = false uni.showToast({ title: '领取成功!' }) } else { this.shows = false uni.showToast({ title: '领取失败!' }) } /* if (res.code == 200 && res.data == 1) { this.shows = true } else { this.shows = false } */ }) }, //查询新人有礼礼品 selectActiveNewlyweds() { // 判断是否登录 if (!this.AppToken) { return; } request({ url: 'business/marketingActivity/activeNewlyweds/applet', method: 'get', }).then(res => { console.log("415" + res) }) }, isExistStoreId() { if (uni.getStorageSync("storeId")) { this.getStore(uni.getStorageSync("storeId")); } else { this.getAddress(uni.getStorageSync("storeId")); } }, // 获取定位信息 getUserAuthority() { let _this = this; // this.getAddress(); uni.getSetting({ success(res) { if (res.authSetting['scope.userLocation'] == false) { // uni.clearStorageSync(); // _this.getStorageSize() _this.showRefuseLocationPermission() } else { // 用户同意获取位置信息 _this.getAddress(uni.getStorageSync("storeId")); } }, fail(err) { console.log('jujuel,442', err); }, complete(ress) { }, withSubscriptions(resx) { console.log('448', resx); } }) }, // 用户拒绝授权的展示 showRefuseLocationPermission() { const that = this; wx.showModal({ title: "提示", content: "需要获取用户位置权限", confirmText: "前往设置", showCancel: false, success(res) { if (res.confirm) { uni.openSetting({ success(res) { console.log("打开设置成功", res); if (res.authSetting['scope.userLocation']) { console.log('成功授权userLocation') that.getAddress() } else { console.log('用户未授权userLocation') // 递归调用本函数,(函数套函数) that.showRefuseLocationPermission() } }, fail(err) { console.log("打开设置失败", err) } }) } } }) }, getStorageSize() { let that = this; uni.getStorageInfo({ success(res) { let size = res.currentSize; if (size < 1024) { that.storageSize = size + ' B'; } else if (size / 1024 >= 1 && size / 1024 / 1024 < 1) { that.storageSize = Math.floor(size / 1024 * 100) / 100 + ' KB'; } else if (size / 1024 / 1024 >= 1) { that.storageSize = Math.floor(size / 1024 / 1024 * 100) / 100 + ' M'; } } }) }, // 判断token是否与当前连锁店id相同 async getTheJudgmentIsTheSame() { console.log(this.AppToken, 501); // 判断是否登录 if (!this.AppToken) { return; } await request({ url: 'chainStoreInfo/theJudgmentIsTheSame', method: 'get', data: { "chainStoreId": uni.getStorageSync("chainStoreId") } }).then(res => { if (!res.data) { uni.removeStorageSync("App-Token"); } }) // 判断当前登录的code是否相同 if (uni.getStorageSync("appltType") == "WECHAT") { wx.login({ success(res) { if (res.code) { //发起网络请求 request({ url: 'clientApi/sign/mpWxLogin2', method: "POST", data: { code: res.code } }).then(resp => { if (!resp.data) { uni.removeStorageSync("App-Token"); } }) } else { console.log('登录失败!' + res.errMsg) } } }) } if (uni.getStorageSync("appltType") == "ALIPAY") { my.getAuthCode({ scopes: 'auth_base', success: res => { const authCode = res.authCode; request({ url: "clientApi/sign/alipayLogin/getUserid2", method: 'post', data: { authCode: authCode, storeId: uni.getStorageSync("storeId"), }, }).then((resp) => { if (!resp.data) { uni.removeStorageSync("App-Token"); } }) }, fail: err => { console.log('my.getAuthCode 调用失败', err) } }); } }, // 获取门店信息 getStore(id) { let _this = this; request({ url: "business/storeInformation/store/queryStoreById", method: 'post', data: { "storeId": id }, }).then((response) => { _this.store = response.data let welfare = response.data.welfare uni.setStorageSync("storeId", response.data.id) uni.setStorageSync("chainStoreId", response.data.chainStoreId) if (welfare) { if (welfare.includes(",")) { _this.welfare = response.data.welfare.split(",") } else { _this.welfare.push(response.data.welfare) } } if (response.data.doorstepPhoto) { let list = JSON.parse(response.data.doorstepPhoto) _this.list3 = []; list.forEach(item => { _this.list3.push(_this.baseUrl + item) }) } }).catch((res) => { }) }, // 获取当前位置 getAddress(storeId) { let _this = this; uni.getLocation({ // 谷歌使用wgs84 其他使用gcj02 type: 'gcj02', // 使用国测局坐标系 success: function(res) { if (_this.longitude == "" && _this.latitude == "") { _this.longitude = res.longitude; _this.latitude = res.latitude } console.log('经度: ' + _this.longitude); console.log('纬度: ' + _this.latitude); request({ url: 'business/storeInformation/store/recentlyStore', method: 'post', data: { "lon": _this.longitude, "lat": _this.latitude, "storeId": storeId, "isLogin": _this.AppToken ? "0" : "1", // 0为登录 }, }).then((response) => { // uni.showToast({ // title:"121984:"+storeId // }) if (response.data.store) { _this.distance = (Math.ceil(response.data.distance)) .toFixed(1) _this.store = response.data.store uni.setStorageSync("storeId", response.data.store.id) uni.setStorageSync("chainStoreId", response.data.store.chainStoreId) if (response.data.store.welfare) { if (response.data.store.welfare.includes(",")) { _this.welfare = response.data.store.welfare .split(",") } else { _this.welfare.push(response.data.store.welfare) } } if (response.data.store.doorstepPhoto) { let list = JSON.parse(response.data.store.doorstepPhoto) _this.list3 = []; list.forEach(item => { _this.list3.push(_this.baseUrl + item) }) } _this.lon = _this.store.longitude, _this.lat = _this.store.latitude, _this.getIndexBanner() _this.getOilType(); } else { uni.showToast({ title: "当前店铺已关闭!!!", icon: "none" }) } }).catch(err => {}) // uni.showToast({ // title: "获取位置信息成功", // icon: "none" // }) }, fail: function(err) { _this.getStore(2); // uni.showToast({ // title: "获取位置信息失败" // }) console.log('获取位置信息失败: ' + err.errMsg); } }); }, //获取油站的油号信息 getOilType() { let params = { storeId: uni.getStorageSync("storeId") } request({ url: 'business/petrolStationManagement/oilNumber/getList2', method: 'get', params: params }).then((res) => { if (res.code == 200) { this.oilTypeList = res.data.records if (this.oilTypeList.length > 0) { this.oilInfo.oilName = this.oilTypeList[0].oilName, this.oilInfo.oilPrice = this.oilTypeList[0].oilPrice, this.oilInfo.gbPrice = this.oilTypeList[0].gbPrice } let oilData = [] this.oilTypeList.forEach(res => { let data = { id: res.numberId, label: res.oilName, oilPrice: res.oilPrice, gbPrice: res.gbPrice } oilData.push(data) }) this.columns = [oilData] console.log(this.oilTypeList, '710'); } }) }, confirm(e) { console.log('选中的油号', e); this.oilInfo.oilName = e.value[0].label this.oilInfo.oilPrice = e.value[0].oilPrice this.oilInfo.gbPrice = e.value[0].gbPrice this.show = false }, cancel() { this.show = false }, /* onOverlay() { this.drawDown(); this.shows = false uni.showToast({ title: '领取成功' }) }, */ goActivity() { // 去活动页 uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pagesHome/Activity/index' }) }, goCard() { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pagesHome/MyCard/MyCard' }) }, goOil() { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/refuel/refuel' }) }, goChooseAddress() { uni.chooseLocation({ success: ({ name, address, latitude, longitude }) => { // 选择位置完成后的处理 // this.addressName = address; console.log(name, address, latitude, longitude); this.longitude = longitude; this.latitude = latitude; this.getAddress() }, }); }, goMall() { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pagesHome/PointsMall/PointsMall' }) }, toQRcode() { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pagesHome/QRcode/QRcode' }) }, goGoGo() { let lat = Number(this.lat) let lon = Number(this.lon) uni.openLocation({ latitude: lat, longitude: lon, name: this.store.name, address: this.store.address, success: function() { console.log('success'); }, complete: function(res) { console.log(res); } }); }, } } </script> <style scoped lang="scss"> .content { background: #f9f9f9; 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