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<div id="app" class="app-container">
<div class="main">
<div class="left-side">
<div class="logo">
<div class="title">收银台</div>
<div class="store" v-if="storeInfo">({{ storeInfo.name }})</div>
<div class="account">您好,{{ accountInfo.realName }}</div>
<div class="cate">
<ul class="nav">
<li class="nav-item" v-for="menu in menuList">
<a :class="'nav-link' + (activeMenu == menu.key ? ' active' : '')" href="javascript:;" @click="switchMenu(menu.key)">
<img class="cate-logo" :src="menu.logo">
<span>{{ menu.name }}</span>
<div class="client">
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.fuint.cn/download?v=202307024">下载客户端</a>
<div class="main-side">
<div class="title">
<el-form class="search-form" ref="searchForm" :inline="true" :model="searchForm">
<el-form-item class="form-item" label="" prop="keyword">
<el-input v-model="searchForm.keyword" prefix-icon="el-icon-full-screen" class="input-item" placeholder="请输入商品关键字商品名称、条码、商品ID..." clearable maxlength="100" />
<el-button type="primary" style="height: 50px;" @click="doQueryGoods()" icon="el-icon-search">查询商品</el-button>
<el-tabs class="tab-box" type="card" v-model="navTab" @tab-click="switchTab">
<el-tab-pane label="全部" name="0"></el-tab-pane>
<el-tab-pane v-for="tab in tabList" :label="tab.name" :key="tab.id+''" :name="tab.id+''"></el-tab-pane>
<div class="goods-list">
<div class="goods-item" v-for="goodsInfo in activeGoodsList">
<div class="item" @click="clickGoods(goodsInfo)">
<img class="image" :src="imagePath + goodsInfo.logo">
<div class="goods-name">{{ goodsInfo.name }}</div>
<div class="goods-price">¥{{ goodsInfo.price }}</div>
<el-empty v-if="activeGoodsList.length == 0" description="暂无商品..."></el-empty>
<div class="right-side">
<div class="title">
<div class="logo">
<img class="avatar" v-if="!memberInfo || !memberInfo.avatar" src="@/assets/images/avatar.png" />
<img class="avatar" v-else :src="memberInfo.avatar"/>
<div class="member-info">
<span class="name" v-if="memberInfo">{{ memberInfo.mobile ? memberInfo.mobile : memberInfo.name }}</span>
<span class="none" v-if="!memberInfo">当前为游客</span>
<el-button size="mini" class="switch" type="danger" icon="el-icon-refresh" @click="switchMember()">关联会员</el-button>
<div class="full-screen">
<screenfull id="screenfull" class="icon" />
<div class="carts">
<el-tabs type="border-card" v-model="activeTab">
<el-tab-pane class="tab" label="cart" name="cart">
<div slot="label" class="cart-tab-label"><i class="el-icon-goods"></i>结算商品</div>
<div class="cart-list" v-if="cartList.length > 0">
<div class="cart-item" v-for="cartInfo in cartList">
<img class="image" :src="cartInfo.logo"/>
<div class="info">
<div class="name">{{ cartInfo.name }}</div>
<div class="spec" v-if="cartInfo.specList && cartInfo.specList.length > 0">
<span class="item" v-for="spec in cartInfo.specList" :title="spec.value">{{ spec.value }}</span>
<div class="num"><el-input-number class="input" @change="changeBuyNum(cartInfo)" v-model="cartInfo.buyNum" :min="1" :max="1000"/></div>
<div class="option">
<div class="remove el-icon-delete" @click="removeFromCart(cartInfo.cartId)"></div>
<div class="total">¥{{ (cartInfo.price * cartInfo.buyNum).toFixed(2) }}</div>
<div class="empty" v-if="cartList.length < 1">
<el-empty description="暂无结算商品" :image-size="40"></el-empty>
<el-tab-pane class="tab" label="order" name="order">
<div slot="label" class="cart-tab-label" @click="getOrderList()"><i class="el-icon-notebook-2"></i>订单列表</div>
<div class="order-list" v-if="orderList.length > 0">
<div class="order-item" v-for="orderItem in orderList">
<div class="left">
<div class="info">单号:<span class="order-sn">{{ orderItem.orderSn }}</span></div>
<div class="info">金额:<span class="order-price">¥{{ orderItem.amount }}</span></div>
<div class="info" v-if="orderItem.isVisitor == 'N'">会员:<span class="member-info">{{ orderItem.userInfo.name }} {{ orderItem.userInfo.mobile }}</span></div>
<div class="info" v-if="orderItem.isVisitor == 'Y'">会员:<span class="member-info">游客</span></div>
<div class="info">时间:<span class="order-time">{{ orderItem.createTime }}</span></div>
<div class="right">
<div class="info">
<el-button v-if="orderItem.payStatus== 'B'" type="primary" style="padding:5px;" size="mini">已支付</el-button>
<el-button v-if="orderItem.payStatus== 'A'" @click="doPayOrder(orderItem)" type="danger" style="padding:5px;" size="mini">未支付</el-button>
<div class="empty" v-if="orderList.length < 1">
<el-empty description="暂无订单" :image-size="40"></el-empty>
<div class="footer">
<div class="number">
<div class="total-num">总件数:<b class="num">{{ cartTotalNum }}</b></div>
<div class="total-price">总金额:<b class="num">¥{{ cartTotalPrice.toFixed(2) }}</b></div>
<div class="options">
<div class="cash" @click="hangUp()">挂单 / 取单</div>
<div class="submit" v-if="cartTotalNum > 0" @click="doSettlement()">提交结算</div>
<div class="submit" v-if="cartTotalNum == 0" @click="doCashier()">无商品收款</div>
<!-- 规格详情 start-->
<el-dialog center title="选择商品规格" :visible.sync="openGoodsDialog" class="common-dialog" append-to-body>
<div class="goods-info">
<div class="name">{{ goodsInfo.name }}</div>
<div class="price">¥{{ goodsInfo.price }}</div>
<div class="num"><el-input-number class="input" v-model="goodsNum" :min="1" :max="1000"/></div>
<div class="spec-list" v-if="goodsInfo.isSingleSpec == 'N'">
<div class="spec-item" v-for="specInfo in goodsInfo.specList">
<div class="spec-name">{{ specInfo.name }}</div>
<div class="values">
<span v-for="value in specInfo.child" :class="goodsSpecIds.includes(value.id) ? 'value active' : 'value'" @click="selectGoodsSpec(value.id)">{{ value.name }}</span>
<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<el-button type="primary" @click="addToCart()">加入结算</el-button>
<el-button @click="closeGoodsDialog()">取 消</el-button>
<!-- 规格详情 end-->
<!--关联会员对话框 start-->
<switchMemberDialog :show-dialog="openSwitchMemberDialog" @doSwitchMember="doSwitchMember"/>
<!--关联会员对话框 end-->
<!--结算对话框 start-->
<settlementDialog :show-dialog="openSettlementDialog" :memberInfo="memberInfo" :totalPrice="cartTotalPrice" :orderInfo="orderInfo" :couponList="couponList" @submit="submitSettlement" @switchMember="switchMember" @closeDialog="closeDialog"/>
<!--结算对话框 end-->
<!--扫码付款对话框 start-->
<scanPayCodeDialog ref="scanPayCodeDialog" :show-dialog="openScanPayCodeDialog" :memberInfo="memberInfo" :orderId="orderId" :payType="payType" :payAmount="payAmount" @closeDialog="closeDialog" @showPayResult="showPayResult"/>
<!--扫码付款对话框 end-->
<!--支付结果对话框 start-->
<payResultDialog :show-dialog="openPayResultDialog" :payResult="payResult" @showOrderPrint="showOrderPrint" @closeDialog="closeDialog"/>
<!--支付结果对话框 end-->
<!--打印订单对话框 start-->
<orderPrintDialog :show-dialog="openOrderPrintDialog" :storeInfo="storeInfo" :orderInfo="orderInfo" @closeDialog="closeDialog"/>
<!--打印订单对话框 end-->
<!--挂单对话框 start-->
<hangUpDialog :show-dialog="openHangUpDialog" :memberInfo="memberInfo" :cartList="cartList" @getHangNo="getHangNo" @doHangUp="doHangUp" @closeDialog="closeDialog"/>
<!--挂单对话框 end-->
<!-- 无商品收款组件 start-->
<noGoodsCashier :show-dialog="openNoGoodsCashierDialog" @submit="submitCashier" @closeDialog="closeDialog"></noGoodsCashier>
<!-- 无商品收款组件 end-->
import { init, getGoodsInfo, searchGoods, getCartList, saveCart, removeFromCart, submitSettlement, getOrderList, doPay, getMemberInfoById } from "@/api/cashier";
import { getOrderInfo } from "@/api/order";
import { getUserId, setUserId, removeUserId } from '@/utils/auth';
import switchMemberDialog from "./components/switchMemberDialog";
import settlementDialog from "./components/settlementDialog";
import scanPayCodeDialog from "./components/scanPayCodeDialog";
import payResultDialog from "./components/payResultDialog";
import orderPrintDialog from "./components/orderPrintDialog";
import hangUpDialog from "./components/hangUpDialog";
import Screenfull from '@/components/Screenfull';
import noGoodsCashier from "./components/noGoodsCashier";
export default {
name: "Cashier",
components: {
data() {
return {
// 右侧tab
activeTab: 'cart',
// 导航tab
navTab: '0',
isClose: true,
openGoodsDialog: false,
openSwitchMemberDialog: false,
openSettlementDialog: false,
openScanPayCodeDialog: false,
openPayResultDialog: false,
openOrderPrintDialog: false,
openHangUpDialog: false,
openNoGoodsCashierDialog: false,
searchForm: { keyword: '' },
payResult: { isSuccess: false, payAmount: 0, orderId: 0 },
goodsForm: {},
// 左侧菜单
menuList: [{ name: '商品列表', key: 'goods', logo: require('../../assets/images/goods.png') },
{ name: '订单列表', key: 'order', logo: require('../../assets/images/order.png') },
{ name: '卡券核销', key: 'coupon', logo: require('../../assets/images/life.png') },
{ name: '会员列表', key: 'member', logo: require('../../assets/images/hot.png') }],
// 激活菜单
activeMenu: 'goods',
// 导航栏tab
tabList: [],
// 当前操作会员
memberInfo: null,
// 当前登录用户
accountInfo: {},
// 当前门店信息
storeInfo: {},
// 当前操作商品
goodsInfo: { num : 1, specList : [], skuList: [] },
// 当前选择属性
goodsSpecIds: [],
// 商品数量
goodsNum: 1,
// 当前分类
cateId: 0,
// 图片目录
imagePath: '',
// 商品分类列表
cateList: [],
// 商品列表
goodsList: [],
// 当前分类商品列表
activeGoodsList: [],
// 购物车列表
cartList: [],
// 订单列表
orderList: [],
// 总金额
cartTotalPrice: 0,
// 购物车备注
cartRemark: '',
// 总件数
cartTotalNum: 0,
// 支付金额
payAmount: 0,
// 当前订单号
orderId: 0,
// 支付方式
payType: '',
// 当前订单
orderInfo: {},
// 可用卡券列表
couponList: [],
// 挂单序号
hangNo: '',
isSearch: true
mounted() {
const app = this;
// 监听扫码枪按键
let code = '';
let lastTime, nextTime; // 上次时间、最新时间
let lastCode, nextCode; // 上次按键、最新按键
document.onkeypress = (e) => {
// 获取按键
if (window.event) { // IE
nextCode = e.keyCode;
} else if (e.which) { // Netscape/Firefox/Opera
nextCode = e.which;
// 如果触发了回车事件(扫码结束时间)
if (nextCode === 13) {
if (code.length < 3) {
if (app.openScanPayCodeDialog == true) {
return false;
if (app.openSwitchMemberDialog == true) {
return false;
if (app.openSettlementDialog == true) {
return false;
code = '';
lastCode = '';
lastTime = '';
return true;
nextTime = new Date().getTime(); // 记录最新时间
if (!lastTime && !lastCode) { // 如果上次时间和上次按键为空
code += e.key; // 执行叠加操作
// 如果有上次时间及上次按键
if (lastCode && lastTime && nextTime - lastTime > 30) {
code = e.key;
} else if (lastCode && lastTime) {
code += e.key;
lastCode = nextCode;
lastTime = nextTime;
created() {
// 隐藏各路菜单
this.$store.state.app.sidebar.hide = true
methods: {
// 初始化数据
initCashier() {
const app = this;
const userId = getUserId() > 0 ? getUserId() : 0;
init(userId).then( response => {
app.cateList = response.data.cateList;
app.tabList = response.data.cateList;
app.goodsList = response.data.goodsList;
app.activeGoodsList = this.goodsList;
app.imagePath = response.data.imagePath;
app.storeInfo = response.data.storeInfo;
app.accountInfo = response.data.accountInfo;
app.memberInfo = response.data.memberInfo;
app.loading = false;
app.hangNo = '';
).catch(() => {
// empty
// 菜单切换
switchMenu(menuKey) {
this.activeMenu = menuKey;
let url = '';
if (menuKey == 'coupon') {
url = '/coupon/confirm/index';
if (menuKey == 'order') {
url = '/order/index';
if (menuKey == 'member') {
url = '/member/index';
if (url) {
const routeLink = this.$router.resolve({ path: url });
window.open(routeLink.href, '_blank');
// tab切换
switchTab(el) {
this.navTab = el.name;
// 过滤分类商品
filterCate(cateId) {
this.cateId = cateId;
const dataList = [];
this.goodsList.forEach(function(goods) {
if (cateId == goods.cateId && cateId > 0) {
} else if (cateId == 0) {
this.activeGoodsList = dataList;
// 购物车列表
getCartList() {
const app = this;
if (app.loading) {
return false;
app.loading = true;
app.cartList = [];
getCartList({ userId: getUserId(), hangNo: app.hangNo }).then( response => {
const cartList = response.data.list;
if (cartList && cartList.length > 0) {
cartList.forEach(function(item) {
const specList = [];
if (item.specList && item.specList.length > 0) {
item.specList.forEach(function (spec) {
specList.push({name: spec.specName, value: spec.specValue});
const cartInfo = { cartId: item.id, skuId: item.skuId, goodsId: item.goodsInfo.id, name: item.goodsInfo.name, logo: item.goodsInfo.logo, price: item.goodsInfo.price, buyNum: item.num, specList: specList };
app.cartTotalPrice = response.data.totalPrice;
app.cartTotalNum = response.data.totalNum;
app.couponList = response.data.couponList;
app.loading = false;
}).catch(() => {
// empty
// 查询商品
doQueryGoods() {
const app = this;
if (!app.searchForm.keyword) {
app.activeGoodsList = app.goodsList;
return false;
app.loading = true;
searchGoods({ keyword: app.searchForm.keyword }).then( response => {
app.loading = false;
if (response.data && response.data.length > 0) {
app.activeGoodsList = response.data;
} else {
return false;
}).catch(() => {
// empty
// 点击商品规格弹框
clickGoods(goodsInfo) {
const app = this;
if (app.loading) {
return false;
app.loading = true;
getGoodsInfo(goodsInfo.id).then( response => {
app.goodsInfo = response.data.goodsInfo;
app.goodsInfo.specList = response.data.specList;
app.goodsInfo.skuList = response.data.skuList;
app.goodsNum = 1;
app.loading = false;
if (app.goodsInfo.isSingleSpec == 'N') {
app.openGoodsDialog = true;
} else {
}).catch(() => {
// empty
// 关闭规格弹框
closeGoodsDialog() {
this.openGoodsDialog = false;
// 选择商品属性
selectGoodsSpec(specId) {
const app = this;
let specIds = [];
app.goodsInfo.specList.forEach(function() {
app.goodsInfo.specList.forEach(function(specItem, index) {
const children = [];
specItem.child.forEach(function(child) {
if (children.includes(specId)) {
specIds[index] = specId
} else {
specIds[index] = app.goodsSpecIds[index] == undefined ? 0 : app.goodsSpecIds[index];
app.goodsSpecIds = specIds;
// 加入购物车
addToCart(skuNo) {
const app = this;
app.isSearch = false;
// 扫码枪扫描商品条码,直接加入购物车
if (skuNo) {
searchGoods({ keyword: skuNo }).then( response => {
app.loading = false;
if (response.data && response.data.length == 1) {
app.isSearch = true;
} else {
return false;
}).catch(() => {
if (app.loading || app.isSearch || !app.goodsInfo.id || app.goodsNum <= 0) {
return false;
const specIds = app.goodsSpecIds.join('-');
let skuId = 0;
app.goodsInfo.skuList.forEach(function(skuInfo) {
if (skuInfo.specIds == specIds) {
skuId = skuInfo.id;
if (app.goodsInfo.isSingleSpec == 'N' && skuId <= 0) {
return false;
// 添加到购物车
const cartInfo = { goodsId: app.goodsInfo.id,
name: app.goodsInfo.name,
logo: app.goodsInfo.logo,
price: app.goodsInfo.price,
skuId: skuId,
userId: getUserId(),
hangNo: app.hangNo,
buyNum: app.goodsNum };
app.loading = true;
saveCart(cartInfo).then(response => {
if (response.data.cartId) {
app.loading = false;
app.activeTab = 'cart';
app.openGoodsDialog = false;
app.goodsSpecIds = [];
app.goodsNum = 0;
}).catch(() => {
// empty
// 删除购物车
removeFromCart(cartId) {
const app = this;
removeFromCart({ cartId: [cartId], userId: getUserId() }).then(response => {
if (response.data) {
}).catch(() => {
// empty
// 购物车数量变化
changeBuyNum(cartInfo) {
const app = this;
const param = { goodsId: cartInfo.goodsId,
skuId: cartInfo.skuId,
cartId: cartInfo.cartId,
action: '=',
userId: app.memberInfo ? app.memberInfo.id : null,
hangNo: app.hangNo,
buyNum: cartInfo.buyNum };
saveCart(param).then(response => {
if (response.data.cartId) {
app.openGoodsDialog = false;
app.goodsSpecIds = [];
}).catch(() => {
// empty
// 弹出关联会员
switchMember() {
this.openSwitchMemberDialog = true;
// 确认关联会员
doSwitchMember(memberInfo) {
this.openSwitchMemberDialog = false;
if (memberInfo != 0) {
this.memberInfo = memberInfo;
if (memberInfo) {
} else {
// 无商品结算
doCashier() {
this.orderInfo = {};
this.openNoGoodsCashierDialog = true;
submitCashier(param) {
this.orderInfo = {};
this.openSettlementDialog = true;
this.cartTotalPrice = parseFloat(param.amount);
this.cartRemark = param.remark;
this.openNoGoodsCashierDialog = false;
// 发起结算
doSettlement() {
if (this.cartList.length < 1) {
return false;
this.orderInfo = {};
this.openSettlementDialog = true;
// 确认结算
submitSettlement(param) {
const app = this;
// 已生成的订单支付
if (app.orderInfo.id) {
// 微信、支付宝支付
if (param.payType == 'MICROPAY' || param.payType == 'ALISCAN') {
app.payAmount = app.orderInfo.payAmount;
app.orderId = app.orderInfo.id;
app.openScanPayCodeDialog = true;
app.openSettlementDialog = false;
app.payType = param.payType;
// 现金、余额支付
if (param.payType == 'CASH' || param.payType == 'BALANCE') {
doPay({ orderId: app.orderId, payType: param.payType, cashierPayAmount: param.totalPrice, cashierDiscountAmount: param.discountPrice, userId: getUserId() }).then( response => {
app.openSettlementDialog = false;
if (response.data.orderInfo.payStatus == 'B') {
app.showPayResult({ isSuccess: true, payAmount: response.data.orderInfo.payAmount, orderId: response.data.orderInfo.id });
} else {
app.$modal.alert(response.data.message ? response.data.message : "抱歉,订单操作异常!");
}).catch(() => {
// empty
return false;
// 购物车提交结算
let cartIds = [];
const data = { cashierPayAmount: param.totalPrice,
cashierDiscountAmount: param.discountPrice,
cartIds: cartIds.join(','),
orderMode: 'oneself',
payType: param.payType,
remark: param.remark,
type: app.cartList.length > 0 ? 'goods' : 'payment',
couponId: param.userCouponId ? param.userCouponId : 0,
userId: getUserId() };
submitSettlement(data).then( response => {
// 微信支付,弹出扫码框
if (response.data.orderInfo.payType == 'MICROPAY' || param.payType == 'ALISCAN') {
app.payAmount = response.data.orderInfo.payAmount;
app.orderId = response.data.orderInfo.id;
app.openScanPayCodeDialog = true;
app.openSettlementDialog = false;
app.payType = param.payType;
return false;
// 现金、余额支付
if (response.data.orderInfo.payType == 'CASH' || response.data.orderInfo.payType == 'BALANCE') {
app.openSettlementDialog = false;
if (response.data.orderInfo.payStatus == 'B') {
app.showPayResult({ isSuccess: true, payAmount: response.data.orderInfo.payAmount, orderId: response.data.orderInfo.id });
} else {
return false;
}).catch(() => {
// empty
// 点击挂单/取单
hangUp() {
this.openHangUpDialog = true;
// 取单
getHangNo(data) {
this.openHangUpDialog = false;
this.hangNo = data.hangNo;
// 关联会员信息
if (data.hangNo && data.hangNo.length > 0 ) {
// 执行挂单
doHangUp() {
this.hangNo = '';
this.memberInfo = null;
// 关闭对话框
closeDialog(dialog) {
if (dialog == 'settlementDialog') {
this.openSettlementDialog = false;
} else if (dialog == 'switchMemberDialog') {
this.openSwitchMemberDialog = false;
} else if (dialog == 'scanPayCodeDialog') {
this.openScanPayCodeDialog = false;
} else if (dialog == 'payResultDialog') {
this.openPayResultDialog = false;
} else if (dialog == 'printOrder') {
this.openOrderPrintDialog = false;
} else if (dialog == 'hangUpDialog') {
this.openHangUpDialog = false;
} else if (dialog == 'openNoGoodsCashierDialog') {
this.openNoGoodsCashierDialog = false;
// 展示支付结果
showPayResult(payResult) {
this.payResult = payResult;
this.openPayResultDialog = true;
// 订单列表
getOrderList() {
const app = this;
if (app.loading) {
return false;
app.loading = true;
getOrderList({ page: 1, pageSize: 20 }).then(response => {
app.loading = false;
if (response.data) {
app.orderList = response.data.content;
// 订单支付
doPayOrder(orderInfo) {
const app = this;
app.payAmount = orderInfo.amount;
app.orderId = orderInfo.id;
app.orderInfo = orderInfo;
let userId = 0
if (orderInfo.isVisitor !== "Y") {
userId = app.orderInfo.userInfo.id;
getMemberInfoById(userId).then(response => {
if (response.data.memberInfo) {
app.memberInfo = response.data.memberInfo;
} else {
app.memberInfo = null;
}).catch(() => {
// empty
app.openSettlementDialog = true;
// 打印小票
showOrderPrint(orderId) {
const app = this;
getOrderInfo(orderId).then(response => {
if (response.data.orderInfo) {
app.orderInfo = response.data.orderInfo;
app.openOrderPrintDialog = true;
}).catch(() => {
// empty
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