1262 lines
34 KiB
1262 lines
34 KiB
<!-- 新增线下订单-->
<view class="content">
<!-- <view style="width: 100%; height: 44px;"></view>-->
<!-- <view class="top-heder">-->
<!-- <view class="t-left" @click="getback()">-->
<!-- <uni-icons type="left" size="18"></uni-icons>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!-- <view class="t-title">-->
<!-- <text>{{ title }}</text>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!-- <view class="t-you"></view>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<headersVue :titles="title" style="position: static !important;">
<u-icon name="arrow-left" color="#fff" size="18"></u-icon>
<u-loading-page :loading="isLoading" style="z-index: 3"></u-loading-page>
<view class="mub">
<view class="top-ail">
<view class="dlanniu" style="width: 345px;">
<uni-icons type="scan" size="20" color="#ffffff"></uni-icons>
<text style="margin-left: 10px;">行驶证扫描</text>
<view class="box-list" v-if="driverLicenesImg != undefined">
<view class="list-box">
<view class="l-left">行驶证照片</view>
<view class="l-right">
<u-album :urls="driverLicenesImg"></u-album>
<!-- 名称 -->
<view class="box-list">
<view class="list-box">
<view class="l-left">客户姓名</view>
<view class="l-right">
<input type="text" v-model="buyName" placeholder="请输入客户姓名">
<view class="list-box">
<view class="l-left">住址</view>
<view class="l-right">
<input type="text" v-model="userAddress" placeholder="请输入住址">
<view class="list-box">
<view class="l-left">
<text style="color: red;font-weight: bold;text-align: center;">*</text>
<view class="l-right">
<input type="text" v-model="carNum" placeholder="请输入车牌号">
<view class="list-box">
<view class="l-left" @click="showzhi = true">使用性质
<text class="xixi">点击选择</text>
<view class="l-right">
<input type="text" v-model="carNature" placeholder="请输入使用性质">
<view class="list-box">
<view class="l-left">品牌型号</view>
<view class="l-right">
<input type="text" v-model="carModel" placeholder="请输入品牌型号">
<view class="list-box">
<view class="l-left">车辆识别代号</view>
<view class="l-right">
<input type="text" v-model="carIdNo" placeholder="请输入车辆识别代号">
<view class="list-box">
<view class="l-left" @click="showRegisterDate = true">
<text style="color: red;font-weight: bold;text-align: center;">*</text>
<text class="xixi">点击选择</text>
<view class="l-right">
<input type="text" v-model="carRegisterDateStr" placeholder="请输入车辆注册日期">
<view class="list-box">
<view class="l-left" @click="show = true">
<text style="color: red;font-weight: bold;text-align: center;">*</text>
<text class="xixi">点击选择</text>
<view class="l-right">
<input type="text" v-model="customerSource" placeholder="请输入客户来源">
<view class="list-box">
<view class="l-left">代办人手机号</view>
<view class="l-right">
<input type="text" v-model="otherPhone" placeholder="请输入代办人手机号">
<view class="list-box">
<view class="l-left" @click="handleClick">
<text style="color: red;font-weight: bold;text-align: center;">*</text>
<text class="xixi">点击选择</text>
<view class="l-right">
<text>{{ goodstext }}</text>
<!-- <input type="text" v-model="goodstext" placeholder="请选择商品"> -->
<view class="list-box">
<view class="l-left" @click="showxin = true">新旧车
<text class="xixi">点击选择</text>
<view class="l-right">
<input type="text" v-model="carStatus" placeholder="请输入新旧车">
<view class="list-box">
<view class="l-left">联系方式</view>
<view class="l-right">
<input type="text" v-model="buyPhone" placeholder="请输入联系方式">
<view class="list-box">
<view class="l-left">单位</view>
<view class="l-right">
<input type="text" v-model="unitName" placeholder="请输入单位">
<view class="list-box">
<view class="l-left" @click="showLeadMan = true">
<text style="color: red;font-weight: bold;text-align: center;">*</text>
<text class="xixi">点击选择</text>
<view class="l-right">
<input type="text" v-model="nickname" placeholder="请输入引车员">
<view class="list-box">
<view class="l-left" @click="showMeetMan = true">
<text style="color: red;font-weight: bold;text-align: center;">*</text>
<text class="xixi">点击选择</text>
<view class="l-right">
<input type="text" v-model="meetName" placeholder="请输入接车员">
<!-- <view class="list-box">-->
<!-- <view class="l-left">是否补录</view>-->
<!-- <view class="l-right">-->
<!-- <u-radio-group-->
<!-- v-model="radioValue"-->
<!-- iconPlacement="right"-->
<!-- @change="handleRadioChange"-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <u-radio label="否" name="0" style="padding-right: 10rpx"></u-radio>-->
<!-- <u-radio label="是" name="1"></u-radio>-->
<!-- </u-radio-group>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!-- <view class="list-box" v-if="radioValue === '1'">-->
<!-- <view class="l-left" @click="showRecord = true">-->
<!-- <text style="color: red;font-weight: bold;text-align: center;">*</text>-->
<!-- 选择补录时间-->
<!-- <text class="xixi">点击选择</text>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!-- <view class="l-right">-->
<!-- <input type="text" v-model="recordTimeStr" placeholder="请选择补录时间">-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<view class="list-box" @click="toSelectProject()" v-if="isInsert">
<view class="l-left">检测流程</view>
<view class="l-right">
<input type="textarea" v-model="inspectionWorkNodeStr" placeholder="点击选择检测流程">
<view class="dlanniu" @click="getgoodes()" v-if="isInsert">
<view class="dlanniu" @click="edit()" v-else>
<u-picker :show="show" :columns="columns" :defaultIndex="kehuDefaultIndex" @confirm="confirms" @cancel="cancels"
<u-picker :show="showgoods" ref="uPicker" :columns="goodsone" :defaultIndex="goodsDefaultIndex"
@confirm="confirmgoods" @cancel="cancelgoods"
@change="changeHandler" keyName="label"></u-picker>
<u-picker :show="shownature" :columns="nature" @confirm="confirmsnature" @cancel="cancelsnature"
<u-picker :show="showxin" :columns="xinlist" :defaultIndex="xinDefaultIndex" @confirm="confirmxin"
<u-picker :show="showzhi" :columns="zhilist" @confirm="confirmzhi" @cancel="cancelzhi"
<u-picker :show="showLeadMan" :columns="leadManList" :defaultIndex="defaultIndex" @confirm="confirmLeadMan"
<u-picker :show="showMeetMan" :columns="meetManList" :defaultIndex="defaultIndex" @confirm="confirmMeetMan"
@cancel="showMeetMan = false"
@cancel="showRegisterDate = false"
<!-- <u-datetime-picker-->
<!-- :show="showRecord"-->
<!-- v-model="recordTime"-->
<!-- :formatter="formatter"-->
<!-- @cancel="cancelRecord"-->
<!-- @confirm="confirmRecord"-->
<!-- mode="datetime"-->
<!-- ></u-datetime-picker>-->
<!-- 底部 -->
import config from '@/config';
import request from '../../utils/request';
import upload from '@/utils/upload.js'
import {getToken, getTenantId} from '@/utils/auth'
import {formatDate} from "@/utils/utils";
import headersVue from "@/components/header/headers.vue";
export default {
components: {headersVue},
data() {
return {
imagePath: '',
fileList: [],
title: '新增线下订单',
customerSource: '',
buyName: '',
nickname: '',
buyPhone: '',
userAddress: '',
carNum: '',
baseImageUrl: this.$baseImageUrl,
carStatus: '',
carIdNo: '',
radioValue: '0',
carModel: '',
carNature: '',
otherPhone: '',
showRegisterDate: false,
show: false,
shownature: false,
showgoods: false,
showxin: false,
showzhi: false,
showRecord: false,
showLeadMan: false,
showMeetMan: false,
skuId: 0,
inspectionWorkNodes: [],
defaultIndex: [0],
kehuDefaultIndex: [0],
goodsDefaultIndex: [0, 0],
columns: [],
options: [],
nature: [],
goodsone: [],
goodstwo: [],
columnData: [],
xinlist: [],
zhilist: [],
recordTime: Number(new Date()),
baseUrl: this.$baseImageUrl,
goodsId: '',
msg: '3',
tapnum: 0,
fenlist: [],
goodstext: '',
ftitle: null,
shopImages: [],
shoplist: {},
province: '',
carRegisterDateStr: '',
unitName: '',
kehui: '',
naturetext: '',
customerData: [],
inspectionWorkNodeStr: "",
leadManId: undefined,
driverLicenesImg: undefined,
meetManId: undefined,
leadManList: [],
meetManList: [],
isInsert: true,
inspectionId: undefined,
xinDefaultIndex: [0],
recordTimeStr: '',
carRegisterDate: '',
appointmentId: null
async onLoad(options) {
this.isLoading = true
await this.getinitialize()
await this.getLeadeMan()
await this.getMeetMan()
uni.$on('selectProject', (data) => {
this.inspectionWorkNodes = data
for (var i = 0; i < this.inspectionWorkNodes.length; i++) {
this.inspectionWorkNodeStr = this.inspectionWorkNodeStr + this.inspectionWorkNodes[i].projectName + " "
this.inspectionWorkNodes[i].orderNum = i + 1
if (options.inspectionInfoId) {
this.isInsert = false
this.inspectionId = options.inspectionInfoId
this.title = '修改线下订单'
await this.getInspectionInfo()
if (options.appointmentId) {
this.appointmentId = options.appointmentId
await this.getAppointmentDetail()
this.isLoading = false
onShow() {
methods: {
handleClick() {
if (this.isInsert) {
this.showgoods = true;
} else {
title: '不可修改商品',
icon: 'none'
handleRadioChange(newValue) {
if (newValue === '0') {
this.recordTime = ''
formatter(type, value) {
if (type === 'year') {
return `${value}年`
if (type === 'month') {
return `${value}月`
if (type === 'day') {
return `${value}日`
return value
changeHandler(e) {
const {
values, // values为当前变化列的数组内容
// 微信小程序无法将picker实例传出来,只能通过ref操作
picker = this.$refs.uPicker
} = e
// 当第一列值发生变化时,变化第二列(后一列)对应的选项
if (columnIndex === 0) {
// picker为选择器this实例,变化第二列对应的选项
picker.setColumnValues(1, this.columnData[index])
confirms(e) {
this.customerSource = e.value[0].label
this.show = false
cancels() {
this.show = false
// xin
confirmxin(e) {
this.carStatus = e.value[0].label
this.showxin = false
cancelxin() {
this.showxin = false
confirmzhi(e) {
this.carNature = e.value[0].label
this.showzhi = false
confirmLeadMan(e) {
this.nickname = e.value[0].nickname
this.leadManId = e.value[0].id
this.showLeadMan = false
confirmMeetMan(e) {
this.meetName = e.value[0].nickname
this.meetManId = e.value[0].id
this.showMeetMan = false
confirmRecord(e) {
this.recordTime = e.value
this.recordTimeStr = this.formatTimestamp(e)
this.showRecord = false
confirmRegisterDate(e) {
this.carRegisterDateStr = formatDate(e.value)
this.carRegisterDate = e.value
this.showRegisterDate = false
cancelzhi() {
this.showzhi = false
formatTimestamp(e) {
if (!e || !e.value) {
console.error('Invalid input');
return null;
const timestamp = parseInt(e.value, 10); // 确保时间戳为整数
if (isNaN(timestamp)) {
console.error('Invalid timestamp');
return null;
const date = new Date(timestamp); // 将时间戳转换为 Date 对象
const year = date.getFullYear();
const month = String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); // 月份从 0 开始,需要加 1
const day = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
const hours = String(date.getHours()).padStart(2, '0');
const minutes = String(date.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0');
// const seconds = String(date.getSeconds()).padStart(2, '0');
// 格式化为 YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
return `${year}-${month}-${day} ${hours}:${minutes}`;
cancelLeadMan() {
this.showLeadMan = false
cancelRecord() {
this.showRecord = false
async getAppointmentDetail() {
let res = await request({
url: `/inspection/appointment/${this.appointmentId}`,
method: 'get'
this.buyName = res.data.buyName
this.buyPhone = res.data.buyPhoneNum
this.carNum = res.data.carNo
this.carNature = res.data.carNature
this.carModel = res.data.carModel
this.carIdNo = res.data.carIdNo
this.skuId = res.data.skuId
this.driverLicenesImg = res.data.driverLicenesImg == null ? undefined : [this.baseImageUrl + '/' + res.data.driverLicenesImg]
console.log('照片', this.driverLicenesImg)
this.goodsId = res.data.goodsId
this.goodstext = this.findItemById(this.columnData, this.skuId).label
// 模拟change事件
const mockEvent = {
columnIndex: 0, // 假设是第一列发生变化
index: this.findGroupById(this.columnData, this.skuId).index, // 选择的索引
picker: this.$refs.uPicker // 选择器实例
this.goodsDefaultIndex = [this.goodsone[0].findIndex(item => item.value === this.goodsId),this.$refs.uPicker.getColumnValues(1).findIndex(item => item.value == this.skuId)]
findItemById(data, id) {
for (const group of data) {
for (const item of group) {
if (item.value === id) {
return item; // 找到匹配的对象后返回
return null; // 如果没有找到,返回 null
findGroupById(data, id) {
for (let index = 0; index < data.length; index++) {
const group = data[index];
for (const item of group) {
if (item.value === id) {
return { group, index }; // 返回组和对应的索引
return null; // 如果没有找到,返回 null
getLeadeMan() {
url: '/system/role/getUsersByRoleCode',
method: 'get',
params: {
code: "jcycy"
}).then(res => {
getMeetMan() {
url: '/system/role/getUsersByRoleCode',
method: 'get',
params: {
code: "jcjchc"
}).then(res => {
confirmsnature(e) {
this.naturetext = e.value[0].label
this.shownature = false
cancelsnature() {
this.shownature = false
confirmgoods(e) {
this.goodstext = e.value[1].label
this.skuId = e.value[1].value
this.showgoods = false
cancelgoods() {
this.showgoods = false
async getinitialize() {
let res = await request({
url: '/partnerOwn/partner/getCustomerSource',
method: 'get',
let rescar = await request({
url: '/rescue/dict/data/type/car_nature',
method: 'get',
let resx = await request({
url: '/system/inspectionGoods/partnerGoodsListCol',
method: 'get',
this.columnData = resx.data.skuList
let resxin = await request({
url: '/rescue/dict/data/type/car_status',
method: 'get',
let reszhi = await request({
url: '/rescue/dict/data/type/car_use_nature',
method: 'get',
toSelectProject() {
url: `/pages/index/selectProject?selectProject=${JSON.stringify(this.inspectionWorkNodes)}`
async getgoodes() {
if (this.carNum == '' || this.customerSource == "" || this.skuId == '' || this.leadManId == undefined || this.carRegisterDate == '') {
title: '车牌号 客户来源 商品 引车员 必填!',
icon: 'none'
if (this.inspectionWorkNodes.length == 0) {
title: '请选择检测流程!',
icon: 'none'
this.inspectionWorkNodes.map(item => {
item.id = undefined
let data = {
partnerId: uni.getStorageSync('partnerId'),
buyName: this.buyName,
buyPhone: this.buyPhone,
userAddress: this.userAddress,
unitName: this.unitName,
carNum: this.carNum,
carModel: this.carModel,
carStatus: this.carStatus,
carIdNo: this.carIdNo,
customerSource: this.customerSource,
skuId: this.skuId,
carNature: this.carNature,
inspectionWorkNodes: this.inspectionWorkNodes,
leadManId: this.leadManId,
startTime: this.recordTime,
otherPhone: this.otherPhone,
carRegisterDate: this.carRegisterDate,
meetManId: this.meetManId,
appointmentId: this.appointmentId,
let res = await request({
url: '/system/info/add',
method: 'post',
data: data
if (res.code == 200) {
title: "检测已开始"
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
async edit() {
if (this.carNum == '' || this.customerSource == "" || this.leadManId == undefined) {
title: '车牌号 客户来源 引车员 必填!',
icon: 'none'
let data = {
partnerId: uni.getStorageSync('partnerId'),
id: this.inspectionId,
buyName: this.buyName,
buyPhone: this.buyPhone,
userAddress: this.userAddress,
unitName: this.unitName,
carNum: this.carNum,
carModel: this.carModel,
carStatus: this.carStatus,
carIdNo: this.carIdNo,
customerSource: this.customerSource,
skuId: this.skuId,
carNature: this.carNature,
inspectionWorkNodes: this.inspectionWorkNodes,
leadManId: this.leadManId,
carRegisterDate: this.carRegisterDate,
status: '2',
meetManId: this.meetManId,
let res = await request({
url: '/system/info/update',
method: 'post',
data: data
if (res.code == 200) {
title: "修改成功"
let resp = await request({
url: '/system/info/getWeorkNodesById',
method: 'get',
params: {
inspectionId: this.inspectionId
let res = await request({
url: '/system/info/recheck',
method: 'post',
data: {
inspectionInfoId: this.inspectionId,
workNodes: resp.data
setTimeout(() => {
url: '/pages/staff/staff'
}, 2000);
getInspectionInfo() {
url: '/system/info/' + this.inspectionId,
method: 'get'
}).then(res => {
this.shoplist = res.data
this.buyName = res.data.buyName
this.buyPhone = res.data.buyPhone
this.userAddress = res.data.userAddress
this.unitName = res.data.unitName
this.carNum = res.data.carNum
this.carModel = res.data.carModel
this.carStatus = res.data.carStatus
this.carIdNo = res.data.carIdNo
this.customerSource = res.data.customerSource
this.skuId = res.data.skuId
this.carNature = res.data.carNature
this.leadManId = res.data.leadManId
this.otherPhone = res.data.otherPhone
setTimeout(() => {
let result = this.leadManList
.map((subArray, subArrayIndex) => {
const index = subArray.findIndex(item => item.id === res.data.leadManId);
if (index !== -1) {
// 返回的是子数组的索引和匹配项的索引
return {subArrayIndex, itemIndex: index};
} else {
// 没有找到匹配项,返回 null 或 undefined
return null;
.filter(item => item !== null); // 过滤掉没有匹配的项
let index = result[0].itemIndex
let subArrayIndex = result[0].subArrayIndex
this.defaultIndex = [index]
this.nickname = this.leadManList[subArrayIndex][index].nickname
let kehuResult = this.columns
.map((subArray, subArrayIndex) => {
const index = subArray.findIndex(item => item.label === res.data.customerSource);
if (index !== -1) {
// 返回的是子数组的索引和匹配项的索引
return {subArrayIndex, itemIndex: index};
} else {
// 没有找到匹配项,返回 null 或 undefined
return null;
.filter(item => item !== null); // 过滤掉没有匹配的项
this.kehuDefaultIndex = [kehuResult[0].itemIndex]
// 新旧车
let xinResult = this.xinlist
.map((subArray, subArrayIndex) => {
const index = subArray.findIndex(item => item.label === res.data.carStatus);
if (index !== -1) {
// 返回的是子数组的索引和匹配项的索引
return {subArrayIndex, itemIndex: index};
} else {
// 没有找到匹配项,返回 null 或 undefined
return null;
.filter(item => item !== null); // 过滤掉没有匹配的项
let a = [kehuResult[0]]
this.xinDefaultIndex = [a.itemIndex]
}, 1000);
// 提交
async getgoods() {
let res = await request({
url: '/partnerOwn/partner/editPartnerInfo',
method: 'post',
data: this.shoplist
if (res.code == 200) {
title: "修改成功"
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
getxz(e) {
this.releasebox.goodsCategoryId = e.value[0].id
this.ftitle = e.value[0].categoryName
gettapindex(index) {
this.tapnum = index
getback() {
getyes() {
this.show = false
open() {
close() {
this.guige = false
deletePic1(event) {
this[`fileList${event.name}`].splice(event.index, 1)
async afterRead1(event) {
// 当设置 multiple 为 true 时, file 为数组格式,否则为对象格式
let lists = [].concat(event.file)
let fileListLen = this[`fileList${event.name}`].length
lists.map((item) => {
for (let i = 0; i < lists.length; i++) {
const result = await this.uploadFilePromise1(lists[i].url)
let item = this[`fileList${event.name}`][fileListLen]
this[`fileList${event.name}`].splice(fileListLen, 1, Object.assign(item, {
status: 'success',
message: '',
url: result
uploadFilePromise1(url) {
title: '扫描中',
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let a = uni.uploadFile({
url: this.$baseUrl + '/common/uploadImg', // 仅为示例,非真实的接口地址
filePath: url,
name: 'file',
header: {
'Tenant-Id': getTenantId(),
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + getToken()
formData: {
user: 'test'
success: (res) => {
try {
let img = JSON.parse(res.data);
this.imagePath = img.data.url
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
} catch (e) {
//TODO handle the exception
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
async vehicleLicenseOCR() {
let data = {
imagePath: this.baseUrl + '/' + this.imagePath
//imagePath :'http://www.nuoyunr.com/lananRsc/detection/jsz.jpg'
let res = await request({
url: '/partnerOwn/partner/vehicleLicenseOCR',
method: 'post',
params: data
this.buyName = res.data.FrontInfo.Owner
this.userAddress = res.data.FrontInfo.Address
this.carNum = res.data.FrontInfo.PlateNo
this.carModel = res.data.FrontInfo.Model
this.carIdNo = res.data.FrontInfo.Vin
this.carNature = res.data.FrontInfo.UseCharacter
this.carRegisterDate = res.data.FrontInfo.RegisterDate
this.carRegisterDateStr = formatDate(this.carRegisterDate)
title: '识别成功',
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