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<view class="content">
<view class="c-top">
<view class="" @click="getback()">
<uni-icons type="left" size="18"></uni-icons>
<view class="c-t-input">
<uni-icons type="search" size="22" color="#BCBCBC"></uni-icons>
<input type="text" placeholder="输入关键词搜索" v-model="searchValue">
<view class="" @click="sousuo()">搜索</view>
<view class="top-list">
<view class="list-box" @click="getqbfl()">
<view class="">全部分类<uni-icons type="bottom" size="14"></uni-icons></view>
<view :class="{'lan':threeoptions == 2}" class="list-box" @click="getfwjl()">
<view class="">距离优先<uni-icons type="bottom" size="14"></uni-icons></view>
<view class="list-box" @click="getzhsx()">
<view class="">综合筛选<uni-icons type="bottom" size="14"></uni-icons></view>
<!-- 遮罩 -->
<u-overlay class="nbian" :show="show" @click="show = false">
<view class="c-top">
<view class="" @click="getback()">
<uni-icons type="left" size="18"></uni-icons>
<view class="c-t-input">
<uni-icons type="search" size="22" color="#BCBCBC"></uni-icons>
<input type="text" placeholder="输入关键词搜索">
<view class=""></view>
<view class="top-list">
<view :class="{'lan':threeoptions == 1}" class="list-box" @tap.stop="getqbfl()">
<view class="">全部分类<uni-icons type="bottom" size="14"></uni-icons></view>
<view class="list-box">
<view class="">距离优先<uni-icons type="bottom" size="14"></uni-icons></view>
<view :class="{'lan':threeoptions == 3}" class="list-box" @tap.stop="getzhsx()">
<view class="">综合筛选<uni-icons type="bottom" size="14"></uni-icons></view>
<!-- 全部分类 -->
<scroll-view class="x-xiang" scroll-y :scroll-with-animation="true" :style="scrollStyle"
v-if="threeoptions == 1">
<view :class="{'ax':pding == index}" class="ann" v-for="(item,index) in Alloptions" :key="index"
@tap.stop="qhzz(index ,">
<view class="">{{item.categoryName}}</view>
<!-- 综合筛选 -->
<view class="x-ing" v-if="threeoptions == 3">
<view class="">检测分类</view>
<!-- 要处理的地方 -->
<scroll-view class="x-xiang" scroll-y :scroll-with-animation="true" :style="scrollStyle">
<view :class="{'ax':pding == index}" class="ann" v-for="(item,index) in Alloptions" :key="index"
@tap.stop="qhzz(index ,">
<view class="">{{item.categoryName}}</view>
<view class="">距离范围( <text class="lan">{{distance?distance:100}} km</text></view>
<u-slider v-model="distance" inactiveColor="#0D2E8D" activeColor="#0D2E8D" min="1" max="80"></u-slider>
<view class="">评价筛选</view>
<view class="x-xiang">
<view :class="{'ax':orderType == 'hp'}" class="ann" @tap.stop="gethp">
<view class="">好评优先</view>
<view :class="{'ax':orderType == 'xl'}" class="ann" @tap.stop="getxl">
<view class="">销量优先</view>
<view class="xsanniu" @tap.stop="show = false">
<view class="fanhu">
<view class="">返回</view>
<view class="wc" @tap.stop="getwc">
<view class="">完成</view>
<!-- 遮罩结束 -->
<view class="dil">
<view class="bjimg" v-if="listarr == ''">
<image src="" mode=""></image>
<view class="d-box" v-for="(item,index) in listarr" :key="index">
<view class="box-top">
<view style="display: flex;">
<view class="touxiang">
<image :src="item.partnerLogo" mode="aspectFit"></image>
<view class="top-tile">
<view class="dix">
<view class="da">{{item.partnerName}}</view>
<view class="huang">{{item.averageScore}} <uni-icons type="star-filled" color="#FF9600"
<view class="dix">
<view class="sanyuan">
<view class="xhui">距离:</view>
<view v-if="item.distance >=1000" class="dda">{{(item.distance/1000).toFixed(2)}}
<text class="xhei">km</text>
<view v-else class="dda">{{item.distance}} <text class="xhei">m</text> </view>
<!-- <view class="sanyuan">
<view class="xhui">月销量:</view>
<view class="dda">{{item.salesNum?item.salesNum:0}}</view>
</view> -->
<view class="top-anniu" @click="gomerchant(item.partnerId)">
<view class="">预约进店</view>
<scroll-view scroll-x="true" class="box-bottom">
<view class="santu" v-for="(items,index) in item.goodsList" :key="index">
<view class="simg">
<image :src="items.goodsImage" mode=""></image>
<view class="ming">{{items.goodsTitle}}</view>
<view class="jus">{{items.price / 100}}</view>
import request from '../../utils/request'
import config from '@/config'
export default {
data() {
return {
searchValue: "",
categoryId: "",
distance: null, //距离
threeoptions: 1, //三选
Alloptions: [], //全部分类
show: false,
listarr: [],
baseUrl: '',
pding: 0, //综合筛选
pjing: false, //评价筛选
hzc: false,
longitude: "105.442024",
latitude: "28.871325",
orderType: "",
pageNum: 1, //第几页
pageSize: 20, //一页多少张
totalPages: 0, //总数
onReachBottom() {
if (this.pageNum >= this.totalPages) {
title: '没有下一页数据',
icon: 'none'
} else {
onShow() {
this.baseUrl = this.$baseUrl
methods: {
async getlist() {
// 列表获取
let that = this
type: 'wgs84',
success: function(res) {
let data = {
longitude: res.longitude,
latitude: res.latitude,
orderType: that.orderType,
categoryId: that.categoryId,
searchValue: that.searchValue,
distance: that.distance,
pageSize: that.pageSize,
pageNum: that.pageNum
url: '/appInspection/partner/list',
method: 'get',
params: data
}).then(res => {
if (that.pageNum != 1) {
that.listarr = that.listarr.concat(res.rows)
} else {
that.listarr = res.rows
let total =
that.totalPages = Math.ceil(total / that.pageSize);
fail() {
let data = {
longitude: that.longitude,
latitude: that.latitude,
orderType: that.orderType,
categoryId: that.categoryId,
searchValue: that.searchValue,
distance: that.distance,
pageSize: that.pageSize,
pageNum: that.pageNum
url: '/appInspection/partner/list',
method: 'get',
params: data
}).then(res => {
if (that.pageNum != 1) {
that.listarr = that.listarr.concat(res.rows)
} else {
that.listarr = res.rows
let total =
that.totalPages = Math.ceil(total / that.pageSize);
let rex = await request({
url: '/appInspection/goods/categoryList',
method: 'get',
this.Alloptions =
categoryName: '全部'
gomerchant(id) {
url: '/pages/detection/MerchantDetails?id=' + id
sousuo() {
this.listarr = []
getqbfl() {
//全部分类 = true
this.threeoptions = 1
getfwjl() {
this.threeoptions = 2
if (this.orderType == "jl") {
this.orderType = ""
} else {
this.orderType = "jl"
getzhsx() {
//综合筛选 = true
this.threeoptions = 3
qhzz(index, id) {
this.pding = index
this.categoryId = id
getback() {
gethp() {
this.orderType = "hp"
getxl() {
this.orderType = "xl"
getwc() { = false
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